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After returning home, Fiza and Rhea retreated to their room. As Rhea began removing her accessories, Fiza entered the room and initiated the conversation.

Fiza: "Ahem, ahem, what's going on, huh?"

Rhea: "What's going on? Nothing at all."

Fiza: "Come on, Rhea, we've been best friends since childhood. Don't keep anything from me."

Rhea: "There's really nothing to hide, silly."

Fiza: "Oh, so when Adi accidentally collided with you, why were you blushing then?"

Rhea: "I wasn't. You probably noticed wrong."

Fiza: "Oh, come on, spill it. Plus, what's up with his little daughter? What's the story there?"

Rhea: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. So, when I called for the location, Adi provided it, and I also asked about the number of kids at the orphanage and details about the gifts. Then, he casually mentioned that he didn't want to hide anything from me because he actually has a daughter, Ariya, who's 7 years old. I was a bit shocked when he mentioned that if we were bringing gifts, we should get one for her too(probably she will feel bad if we are getting gifts for others and not her) because she's also coming to the party, and her birthday is on the same day. When I questioned him about being unmarried, he said it's a long story that he'll tell me someday when we have time. Trust me, Fiza, he told me all this himself, face to face. I'm starting to fall for him, but I'm so confused about what to do."

Fiza: "Relax, I'm here. First, let's find out the story behind his daughter, and then you'll get clarity. I think he's a good person, and I'm genuinely happy for you, Rhea." And they hugged each other.

From the author's perspective, the close moment shared between Fiza and Rhea highlights their enduring connection as they exchange their innermost thoughts and emotions. The intricate layers of Rhea's feelings, coupled with her growing affection for Adi, enrich the story, rendering it both engaging and relatable.


"Meanwhile in the house of Haris 🏠"

When Haris went to the kitchen to get some water, his mother approached him

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When Haris went to the kitchen to get some water, his mother approached him.

"His Mother: So, you're in love with her, huh?"

Haris was startled by the question and turned around to see his mother standing there. He replied, "What, mom! You scared me."

His Mother: "Don't change the subject; I'm asking you something."

Haris: "There's nothing like that, mom. You know she's just donating to the organization and nothing else."

His Mother: "You won't hide anything from your mom. I know Ayan speaks at the wrong time, but maybe he was right this time."

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑼𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆"Where stories live. Discover now