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Oh this will be fun

Just another good 'ol day... As always, Darkheart somehow found himself fishing under the Blackrock bridge, after doing all the deity duties he had. It was a fun activity, yes, but he needed something new. Maybe... Maybe he could try hanging out with one of the other deitys? But who?

Darkheart thought, before coming to the conclusion that Venomshank would be the best choice.

After a while of wandering through the wastelands that Venomshank called home, Darkheart finally arrived at his house. He knocked.

No response. "Venomshank? Are you home?" Darkheart called out.

The door creaked open to reveal Venomshank without his mask on, looking like he was awoken from his sleep, which he wasn't. "Oh." His face softened a bit. "Greetings, Darkheart." He opened the door fully. "Any reason you decided to pay me a visit?"

"Uuh.. We just thought it might be a good day to spent some time with you." Darkheart grinned, like always.

".. Alright. Come in then." Venomshank made some space for Darkheart to be able to get in.

Darkheart sat on the couch that was in Venomshank's living room. He just lookes around.

Darkheart looked around, noticing the absolutely giant TV (the type of tvs that rich people have), and decided to just grab the remote and turn it on. The first channel, news channel. Not too bad, he guessed.

In the meantime, Venomshank was preparing some tea for both of them.

Though, he slipped in a little more.. special.. type of tea.

When he was done, he took the cups and made his way to the living room, where he wasn't surprised to see that Darkheart made himself at home.

He handed him the cup of tea. "Here." Darkheart took it, giving the tea a quick sniff. Ooh. Smells sweet! He thought, as he took a few sips. Venomshank sat next to him. They both drank the teas at their own pace, as the news reporter kept talking about whatever topic the mortals discussed.

After a while, they both began to feel a lil something.. Venomshank turned the tv off. Darkheart glanced at him.

Venomshank picked Darkheart up, and took him to the bedroom. There, he put him on the bed and locked the door. ".. Uhh.. Venomshank..?" Darkheart blushed slightly as Venomshank climbed on top of him, pinning him to the bed.

"Dont you worry your sweet little self~" Venomshank smirked, as he undone his shirt. Darkheart blushed as Venomshank took off his shirt, releasing a scarred but very muscular chest.

Like 5 minuted later, both of them were undressed. Darkheart's dick twiched as he was turned over, Venomshank pinning him down again. He positioned his tip at the other deitys entrance and slowly pushed in.

"..mhhhh~.." Darkheart let out sort of a purring like noise. ".. my my~ didn't know you had quite the tool, Venomshank~..." After a few more seconds of Darkheart adjusting to his size, Venomshank began thrusting in and out.

(autocorrect almost corrected Venomshank to Benjamin???)

Darkheart enjoyed this just as much as Venomshank did. Venomshank would let out a groan every few thrusts, while Darkheart was whimpering, as if he wanted to say something but only murmurs and mumbles came out.

"..Fuck I think I'm gonna cum~.." Darkheart moaned. As a response, Venomshank thrusted harder, which sent Darkheart over the edge immediately, cumming on Venomshank's bed sheets. (whoops)

Not too long after, Venomshank increased his pace, thrusting in and out of Darkheart, until he came in him.

They both huffed. Venomshank pulled out, some hot white cum dripping out of Darkheart's ass.

He layed next to him. "What about we do this more often?" Venomshank suggested. "Dont... Dont get used to it." Darkheart said, a bit tired from all of this.


We dont talk about what happened when Sword came to visit his father only to find the two deitys cuddling in bed. (they had pjs on)

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