Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello my dearest reader. I am so excited for this story!! I can't wait to finally get it on paper. Please bare with me.

Harry's point of view

" I'm just not the same ok? We can't all find love and forget everything else!" Hermione shouted as she threw down her quill and finally looked at me. "I'm to broken to love. I can't forget." she was so quiet this time and I could clearly see tears pooling in her eyes that looked straight in to my soul.

" Who said? You just need time, we all needed time, you just need more then me, and probably less then others. Hermione, I understand that your hurt and still grieving and that's ok, but you need to at least talk to someone. You can't keep looking throwing yourself into your work. You going to hurt yourself. You already are, when was the last time you sleep at least four hours? You can't keep doing this to yourself, you may not care what happens to you but I do. I need my best friend, and if you haven't noticed its not Ron! I need you here with me. I need someone to talk to too." I was pleading now and I knew it but she was starting to scare me.

Ever since Ron moved out last month she had been so distant. Ron ran off to play professional Quidditch. After his teams recent victories Ron has been in the papers a lot, along with his new girlfriend Trina. She was a blond stick who went to every match and hung onto Ron's every word. He had just left, he had said that he couldn't deal with all of Hermiones almost constant nightmares. He was a coward for someone who had spent seven years facing the stars of her nightmares everyday. He didn't deserve Hermione, but she wanted him and now that he was gone it was eating her alive.

"You have Ginny, you can talk to her for hours, you already do. I don't want to get in your way and I don't want you to have to deal with my petty problems to. I will be fine. I don't   need helo I am doing just fine. If I really need to talk I will find you. And I am sleeping just fine, thankyou."She said as she looked back down at the report she was edditing. "Now I have work to do and you hae been you all night to, get some sleep of at least some tea so I can have some peace and quiet."

"Fine, if you need anything I will be in my room. i love you, sis." I said as I walked out softly closing the door behind me. She was my sister. She was the closest thing I had to a family, as close as i got to Ginny and the Wheesleys it wasn't the same. She knows me better then anyone in fact she knows me better then myself most times. She has always been loyal and she has my complete trust and respect she is my sister and I will do anything for her. And right now that anything was stepping out of my comfort zone to contact someone that could help her. Someone that  could relate.

I made my way downstairs to the writing desk in the study and started my letters. I wrote one for the current Minister, Kingsley Shackbolt, A good friend of mine who I knew would want to help Hermione. It wouldn't take a lot to convince him to allow the correspondence, especially when the boy who lived and lived again was asking. After my pleasantries were written I asked for the help I would need and I gave my reasoning. He didn't have to know everything, he just needed to know that I was for a good cause.

I would send the second to the one man who just might be able to help Hermione through this time. A man currently residing in Askaban for his association with the dark lord. He was a man who was just as broken as she was, if not more. He was a man that I despised and a Man that Hermione had once hated but now I knew that she only ever wanted to help. She felt bad for him. She had let it slip to Harry one night about her feelings on the subject of his life, he was first surprised by her grattitude for the man, but she had always been one to let people in with open arms. She did not pitty him, because to some extent he deserved what he got, but she still might talk to him. She just might open up to a man that would spend the rest of his like in jail. A man that could never tell anyone a man that she could trust as long as he trusted her. 

A man that when by the name of Draco Malfoy.

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