Chapter 6

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A/N: Thanks for everything. You guys have been so great thanks for all the reads! and a special thanks to all of you who have voted. I know this is late but It just wasn't going how I wanted so i needed time. Please forgive me. Love KATY


So there I was sitting at home on a Friday night with nothing to do but wallow in self pity and my lack of a social life. I am not usually one that likes to go out but it would be nice to at least have someone ask me if I wanted to go out. You know I get lonely to. I mean I am writing Draco regularly and wwe are starting to get close.

Over the last month that we had been writing, I had learned a lot about Draco. Like that his favorite color used to be slitherin green but now it is blue like the morning sky and that he really loved to learn about muggle technology. I had been telling him a lot about the new developments in the the muggle universe and I have also been telling him about how the wizarding world has recovered from Voldemorts rein and the war.

He had been very kind and he had listened and asked me questions and he had given me not only support but something to relate to, since he had a lot of the same nightmares and worries that I did. It was about two weeks in when we had started to discuss our dreams and nightmares. I figured he had a lot of dreams featuring Voldemort but it had surprised me to hear that he still had dreams about the night that his aunt Bellatrix had tortured me.

"I will back in my house standing in a corner and just staring at Bella as she carves into your arm. The only difference is that instead of feeling sick and not wanting to watch and hear it, I am actually enjoying it. And the next thing I know I am standing above you sending cure after curse at you, just listening to you scream. Until finally I take pity on you and end your life. That is the dream that scares me the most because its not just me getting tortured or ruined its you. It hurts so bad to think that I could really hurt you. That i could hurt the one women in my life who has forgiven me and not judged and pitied me for what I did and what I went threw. I can never quite forget that dream"

This had shocked me to the core. He really did care about what had happenedand about what people thought about him,not only people but me. I realized then that I had more then friendship feelings towards Draco Malfoy.

Sitting here alone on this Friday night i finally let myself edmitt that I was in love with him. He was the reason I was up late thinking and writing, he was the reason that I had said no to those two guys at work. I was in love with draco. Imcouldmt help it I anted him.

Sitting here tonight alone I realize that there is one thing I must do. I must get Draco malfoy out of Azkaban

A/n: sorry so much for how short it is and any typos I just really wanted to get this out to you guys. Lots of love Katy

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