Chapter 7

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A/N: so I know that it had been forever, but I am back and ready to write again. I needed some time to myself to get ready for school. And to deal with the drama of my love life. But, now that I am back I am ready to do this! Thanks for all the likes and a very special thanks to spaceygirl for the wonderful comment thanks to you guys and my long unintended break I am back and ready for action. Thanks again.
Love Katy

Draco's POV:
I could not believe it I was in love. Me Draco Malfoy, former death eater, coward, who's locked up in Azkaban is in love! With Hermione Granger, the girl who helped save the world, the smartest qitch of her age, griffindor princes, and all around amazing person.
There is no way she could ever even like me, we are barely friends. She could never, would never love me. I keep telling myself this and yet here I am sitting in a holding cell I side the Ministry waiting,and all I can think about is Hermione. How she writes to me multiple times a day, how she tells me things that no one else knows, how she has grown up and forgiven me, and how she tells me that I am probably her best friend even though we haven't talked face to face in years. No matter what I say to try and convince myself that she could never date me, that she could never love me, I always think back to her letters the letters filled with trust and secrets and promises. The letters that are tied together and in the pocket of my robes even now as I am haulled up to my feet and into the court room.
The Minister of magic himself came to my cell this morning and gave me some dress robes, scofgified me, and told me to get dressed. While doing so I asked what was going on. Had something happened? We're they movin me to a cell that was visited by dementors? We're they going to finally execute me like most of wizarding britan wanted?
It was strange to be filled with so much panic and fear for the future. Normally I wouldn't have to care. As long as they kept giving me three square meals a day and as long as I kept getting letters from Hermione I didnt have to care about anything else. So when Kingsley told me that the wingzonots were reviewing my case, I had to have him repeat himself. I would have though he was joking if he hadn't led me out of my cell and to the apparation point.
And here I am now, standing in front of the wingzonots, as they discuss my crimes. I am not really listening because all I can think about is how I might be able to get out earlier then life. I might just might be able to see Hermione face to face. I might be able to hit her at least once. It might be in ten to twenty years or whatever sentence they give me but I could possibly get to see her. I could get to talk to her and tell her how I feel. Even if she doesn't feel the same I can't go any longer not telling her, especially not If i see her face to face. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the courts ruling, the next thing I know is I am being uncuffed by the gaurd and Harry Potter is walking torwards me wit a smile on his face.
" I know you now have the manor and all your assets back but since you don't have a wand and I know you have been talking to ' mione, so I'd you would like there is room for you at Grimauld place if you would like to stay there for a few days, until you get things settled. Well,......only if you want of course. It is just me and Hermione there so there's plenty of space. " Harry said looking at me.
" I am free?!?" Was all I could say.
" Well yes. Your all free and clear, no restrictions, you will get your good name and your family moneyu back. Everything's gonna be great for you now Draco."
" Thank you. How did you.....?"
" Well its the same thing I did for Snape really. I just got a lot of evidence together to prove your innocence and then used my name to get you a retrial of sorts. It was no big deal you deserve to be free." Harry said as we walked out of the court room."
"Does Hermione know? Why isn't she here? She didn't want to see me?" I asked,I just couldn't quite get the worry out on my voice.
" No, Draco she doesn't know, I wasn't quite sure if it would work completely and I didn't want to get here hopes up.she likes you alot Draco. Besides I thought this could be an early birthday present to her. So what do you say come up e with me? She would love to see you. Besides it's a Friday night and she's all alone." Harry said with hopefully eyes and a big smile on his face.
" Yes, of course I would love that thank you. She is really at home all alone?" I asked. We were teaching the line of floos and a pack of reporters with there cameras snapping picture after picture of us.
" yep, and we would be thrilled to have you, now lets go before we get to old."
We stepped into the floos and then I was stepping out behind Harry and into the room. I took to steps in and then I saw the most beautiful sight I have seen in a while right there in front of me was Hermione on a window seal looking right at me with a huge smile on her face. I took a few steps forward her as she stood up. I opened my arms and thethere she was hugging me with all her might.
A/N: so heshes back!! And I am so excited to be back. Sorry for the long wait but thanks for being there. I love to here from all you guys. Thanks again. Sorry for any and all errors I don't have an editor besides myself so... Sorry thank hopefully I'll update tomorrow or the next day. Thanks!!!!!

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