🎟️❤️ "Cherry Blossoms" - Scythestaff

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It is currently 6:42 A.M.

save me.


Oh how beautiful it was, the Thieves Den scenery! Behind whatever buildings were in the main city itself stretched a small mountain, which was now covered in pink blooming trees.

It was one of the rare occasions when Scythe wasn't busy tearing someone apart, and actually could hang out with her girlfriend, Vinestaff!

Scythe inviting her to a further away tea shop, from where the view to the mountain covered in pink would've been amazing.

So, there she was, in front of Vinestaff's home, l aka the one where Vinestaff lived alongside Shuriken, Katana and Slingshot. Its a pretty big house, with an even bigger garden. Scythe was leaning against the wall, besides the door.

Scythe sighed. It always took a while for her girlfriend to get ready for these types of dates, but she didn't mind it. It was relaxing just to be outside the sandy, dry dunes or the small abandoned shop backrooms in which she'd torture and kill most people.

Scythe wasn't the sweetest or most innocent woman, as when Vinestaff was the opposite: sweet, innocent and caring.

Vinestaff steppes out the door and locked it. "I'm done, sorry it took me so long babe you know I have to do so many things around the house and-" She began, but Scythe cut her off.

"Nah, don't stress it, sweets'. Y'know I don't mind waitin'." Scythe smiled softly towards her girlfriend, who smiled back and gave her a soft peck on the cheek.

The two hopped into Scythe's car, which didn't have a license plate, but that wasn't going to be an issue because Thieves Den police isnt exactly the uh... most effective. In fact they're just wasting their time by existing, atleast that's what Scythe thinks.

After 15 minutes of driving, they got to the tea shop. The view was already stunning, but Scythe reassured Vinestaff that it'd be even better from the shop's 'balcony' alike extension.

Vinestaff and Scythe went to order themselves a cup of tea, the shop itself only having two other customers.

Vinestaff ordered a sweet hibiscus ice tea, while Scythe got a mint lemonade. (scythe doesn't enjoy teas much, they're too sweet for her)

(vine is the sweetest thing scythe ever met and tasted /iykyk)

Scythe payed for the two drinks, the cashier giving her one strange glance but nothing more than that. They took their orders and sst at one of the tables, which was right in the middle, providing an awesome view. (imagine like a terrace or smth idk what they're called)

"Scythe, this is a beautiful sight! Thank you so much for brining me here!" Vinestaff smiled, holding her girlfriends' hand. (like on the table yk)

"No problem, sweet heart. I always knew ya' liked anything nature related. But I didn't feel like goin' in the heart of the forest today, and this ended up being ideal." Scythe said after taking a sip of her lemonade, in which she did not mix the two sugar packets that she was provided with by the shop.

Vinestaff and Scythe chitchatted while enjoying their respective drinks. They caught up on what they did in this past week, as well as glance at the scenery every now and then.

Eventually, while Vinestaff was telling Scythe about what Shuriken did (face planted in the floor), Scythe zoned out, staring at her girlfriend, smiling softly.

"And he didn't even care afterwards that he hurt himself! He's so careless-... Scythe?" Vinestaff blushed slightly as she noticed Scythe staring at her. "Everything good? Inpherno to Scythe?"

Scythe let out a soft sigh, not breaking the eye contact. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen or met in my entire life. You're gorgeous, dear."

Vinestaff blushed some more. "You're really pretty as well.."

After the two finished drinking what they had ordered, they got up and left.

In the car, Scythe gave Vinestaff a few kisses (more like 20).

The two headed towards Vinestaff's home, with the two crackhead young adults and one gentle beast of a man. Scythe would be staying over for the next two days.

When Shuriken saw Scythe, he was sipping some caprisun, besides Slingshot. Shuriken pointed at Scythe and said 'lesbian' then returned back to the brainrot cage he calls a room.

Vinestaff led her girlfriend into her room, where the two cuddled untill they fell asleep.

(this was actually so fun to write help)

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