Welcome to Hawkins High

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Nikki's POV

I approached the trailer and slowly opened the door, peering inside.

"Oh God" I murmur as I look around making my way in . Now I am by no means a stuck up person and I definitely kept your room a mess, but this was kinda next level for a living environment. I scan the room with my eyes. I see a couch, coffee table and an old Tv in the living room. But every surface was littered with take out wrappers, beer cans , and empty cigarette packs. " what's the matter " my dad asked seeing the expression on my face as he stuck his head out from the kitchen.
"Dad!" I exclaimed in disbelief, it was as if he thought this was normal living this way. "You could have at least tidied up a bit?" I question as I step over a pile of dirty clothes as I walk to join him in the kitchen.

"I vacuumed??" He said offended as he rummaged through the fridge. "How??" I exclaimed in disbelief looking around the floor and gesturing my arms around the room. "You can't even see the floor" I continued

"Well I didn't say I vacuumed recently " he laughed as he pointed to the other end of the trailer. "I cleaned your room though"  he said with a smile . I roll my eyes at his attempts to be humorous. "Mmmmhmmm" I say sarcastically as I walk towards the door he was pointing too.

I open the door to my new room and examine what I see in front of me. "Wow" I thought to myself, he didn't lie , he definitely tried to make the room clean for me . The room consists of a double bed, a small table with a lamp set on top, a dresser and a mirror . "You like it?" I hear my dads voice approach behind me . "Yeah!" I laughed half heartedly. "What times lights out warden?" Remark jokingly but I was serious. It felt like I had been sent away to a prison in a small town with no one in it. "No lights out" he laughed . I look up at him puzzled with an eyebrow raised. "Look I'm not one for rules as such but I do have one or two". Okay now I'm interested at what he's going to say.

"Go on?" I say as I walk into the room and sit my duffel bag on the creeky bed. "You have to go to school" he began trying to give an air of authority but failing miserably "and while your at school, you gotta fly right and stay out of trouble.." he continued. "Is that it?" I ask confused as I turn my head over my shoulder to look at him as I dig through my duffel bag pulling out a poster. " No boys." He added crossing his arms. I could tell he literally just thought of the rule in the moment. I rolled my eyes with a half smile of amusement. It's funny watching him parent, I can see he knows he is way out of his league trying to act like a dad. "So can I put this up?" I ask with the poster in hand looking at it and returning my eyes to him. "Do what you want" he shrugged "it's your room" .

I return to my duffel bag and pull out a roll of tape and climb on my bed to hand the poster above the head board.

"Oh ! Uh one other thing " my dad quickly turned back around to look at me before he left my room. I listen , still focusing on putting up my poster . It was crooked but I didn't care . "You start at Hawkins High tomorrow. Uh- .. maybe try to dress.... Normal" he said said with a laugh as he looked me up and down before walking out . "What?" I turn my attention away from the poster and towards the now empty door way. "What's wrong with my clothes??" I yell to him confused.

"Dad?" I yell again still holding the poster in my hands agains the wall so it won't fall.

"Dad?? What's wrong with how I dress??! " I shout out . Still no response.

I finish sticking my Nightmare on Elm Street poster to the wall above my bed and step down, walking towards the floor length mirror and stare at myself. It annoys me .. but me may have a point. I look my reflection up and down and start to list off that I'm looking at.
-black boots
-odd socks
-one sock blue
-the other orange
-cutoff denim short shorts
-oversized Freddy Kruger Tshirt that I had ripped myself to turn into a mid length crop
- Mid length blond hair, it's unbrushed but it doesn't look that bad.
-and a pair of sunglasses on my head

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