Shes a "Freak"

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Im not playing!" I yell to him as he walks off.  I turn my attention to Nancy and Robin still shaking with laughter. "Do I seriously look that approachable that dim witted idiots think they can just come over and put their arm on my shoulder?" I ask them, baffled by Jason's bold move. They both looked me up and down still laughing. " Um yeah " they both responded at the same time. "Damn it Dad !" I think to myself . It's his fault I didn't dress like I usually would. "Im not dressed like this again " I said shaking my head as I pick up another fry from my lunch tray. It's silent suddenly. I look back up at Nancy and Robin who are still starting at me . "What?" I ask defensively as they Burt's out laughing again. "You realise you just totally shut down Jason, the most popular guy at school right?" Robin asked with her eyes wide and a huge smile on her face. " So ?" I ask confused as I take a bite of another fry. "That was just a really random thing for a girl like YOU to do " Robin laughed shaking her head as she looked at me. "Excuse me? " I ask defensively, not knowing what she meant by "a girl like YOU " .

"No !" Robin began to spew word vomit . " when I say a girl like you , I just .. no I don't mean it in a bad way, I'm not trying to imply anything! .. I just don't know how else to..." she was cut off by Nancy. " what Robin means .." she began as she looked at Robin and then back at me . "Is you just look like you should be sitting at Jason's table in a cheerleading outfit." Nancy explains.
"Oh god " I say bluntly as I roll my eyes and wipe the grease from the fries off my hands and onto my sweater. This caused Nancy and Robin to laugh again.

"Okay .." Nancy chuckled. "You wouldn't see a cheerleader doing that I will admit " looking at me wiping my hands on myself. "But your really pretty, like prettier than "Chrissy Cunningham"kind of pretty " Robin added making quotations marks with her fingers.

"I dunno who that is " I say shaking my head in disinterestedly. 

"All we are saying Nikki, is that your gonna get a lot more attention from guys like that than I think you even realise " Nancy explains, looking me in the eyes with a kind of sympathetic look.

"Nooo , no I don't think so " I chuckle at Nancy as I grab my bottle of water and take a sip from it.

"Why not ?" Nancy asked confused .

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch . I ignore Nancy's question and get up from the table grabbing my bag as I start to walk through the cafeteria.

Nancy and Robin jump up quickly to follow me, sharing a confused look between each other .

As I entered the main hall way filled with lockers I reached into my bag and pulled out a ruler. Nancy and Robin stopped behind me confused. As students began to exit the lunch room and into the hall, I drop my bag to the ground and began walking past the row of lockers beside me dragging the ruler and banging the ruler against them in an obnoxiously loud manner as I yell the lyrics to Micheal Jackson's "Billie Jean" out of tune, out of key, and over all just in the weirdest way I could think of . The hall has become full of students and I didn't care . I felt gross by Jason touching me and maybe this was a coping mechanism or something.. I dunno but it felt good I felt like I wanted to make sure no one wanted to approach me again. Students stared and whispered and laughed as I walked past dragging the ruler across the metal lockers and yelling, I could feel all the eyes burning into me as they watched me. Luckily for me Robin had told me we had band after lunch and pointed out where the band room was on our way to lunch . So I just continued to yell and bang the lockers all the way to the band room . Once I had gotten to the band room I noticed I was the first one in there. I took this as an opportunity to lay down sprawled out on the floor on my back , catching my breath. After about 20 seconds robin came bursting in. The doors flew open as she clumsily ran in holding my bag. Thank god I thought to myself. It would have been extra embarrassing if I had to go back for my bag . I look up at her as she entered , I was still out of breath . She too out of breath as it appears after a moment or two she ran after me . Our eyes met and we burst out laughing. "What the hell even was that?!" Robin asked through breaths of laughter as walked over to me, throwing my bag at me (which luckily only hit my body and not my face) before laying down next to me to also catch her breath. We laid their for a moment as our breaths returned to normal . "I don't think anymore Jason types will be putting their arm around me now" I say to Robin, raising my eyebrows in amusement as I turn to look at her lying beside me. "Probably not " she laughed as she shook her head staring up at the ceiling.

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