Season 2 Chapter 6 - Alliances

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Issei returned to Kuoh in the evening as he arrived at the Hyoudou's home. He was met by Vali & Asia ,who were perplexed by the girl he came with.

Vali: Ise, who's this now? You went to Lucifuge Territory and came back with a girl?!

Issei: Calm down Vali, she's just like you .

Vali: What do you mean ??

Issei: She's a descendant of Leviathan, born as a Hybrid, has a Sacred Gear, but she's been asleep for the last century or so. Ingvild, you can introduce yourself.

Ingvild: H-hi ,I'm Ingvild Leviathan. Nice to meet you.

Vali: I'm Valiana Lucifer, the White Dragon Empress. Nice meeting you, Ise you better explain .

Issei: Alright, calm down, Val.

Vali blushed at the nickname Issei gave her.

Issei: So basically I had returned to Lucifuge Territory after that whole debacle with Irina & her partner, so I was extremely frustrated since bad memories came back so I took to flying around and that's when I felt power fluctuations on the ground and I found an abandoned building, so I investigated the scene and I found Ingvild, not in a coma ,but she was like asleep, so I took her back to my mansion to which I called aunt Grayfia about it and one of the servants told me that this was sleeping Disease, we also found out she has a Sacred Gear, most likely a Longinus Class one, since it had a calming Aura to not only Ddraig but myself.

Vali: You're right. When I'm around her, I feel calmer for some reason, and I can guess it's the same for Albion.

Albion: Correct on that Partner. Her Aura is just serene.

Issei: So I used my gear to invoke Ingvild's Sacred Gear, and that woke her up, then I explained everything, but then there's another thing that happened.

Vali: And what is that???

Vali looked suspicious at Issei, glaring at him as a drop of sweat went down his face.

Issei: Well my pieces reacted to her but they ended up changing, all 8 Pawns responded, but they changed into a Queen Piece, so I kinda broke the system and now she's my second Queen.

Vali looked shocked at what Issei said. He had two Queens,

Vali: You do realise that you have to report this to Ajuka now, cause this is a pretty big development.

Issei: Yeah I know, I'll do so.

Vali: I've also got something to say to you, but can we talk in private.

Issei: Sure why not? Ingvild, why don't you stay with Asia for a bit? I'll be back in a few.

Ingvild: O-okay.

Asia: Hi there ,I'm Asia Argento, Ise-san's Bishop.

SC - To Vali & Issei.

Issei: What's up Val?

Vali: Well........... Ever since you saved me from the Brigade, I've had conflicting feelings and well I decided to confront them and well I'm in love with you.

Issei was taken aback but knew this is what Sona was referring to the previous night.

Issei: Well the cats out the bag, I was also trying to figure out my own feelings as well, Sona told me this would happen, so I was going to talk to you, and well, you beat me to the punch.

Vali was blushing heavily hearing those words from Issei, and she immediately kissed him, leaving the silver haired duo a red faced mess, which is something not many can do to the usually stone faced Issei.

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