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Kyou: Just get out of my way

Uruma: No!

Kyou: ...!

Uruma: You did this to me you are responsible for this! All my suffering and their deaths!

Kyou: Huh? Me? I did nothing you are at fault!

Uruma: ..!

Kyou: And I told you this is all for the sake of the experiment.. and that is you Uruma..

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: Your friends and family are dead so what they all made you weak! And look at you now.. you are stong your past self is nothing but shadow of yesterday!

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: You should thank me Uruma!

Uruma: I didn't want this I didn't want them to die!

Kyou: That's on you! Just like all that abuse you should have stopped it somehow.. but now they are all dead! Thanks to you!y thorn on my side is gone i was going to kill them later too.. but I wanted you to do it!

Uruma: Uh!?

Kyou: "Grins" And you did those useless toys.. idiots.. nothing but broken toys hahahah!

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: But you are not a toy no Uruma.. you are more than that you are special..

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: Let's stay that way till the end.. Hahaha!

Uruma: Kyou!

Kyou: "Grins" Don't die just live you have to.. I want you to.

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: You have to live fully in order to know what real death means and feels like!

Uruma: ...!

Kyou: Live to know what real death is!

Uruma: ..!

Kyou: Hahahah! Urumaaaa!

Uruma: Kyou!



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