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Thomas could hear the sound of chatter as he walked to the cafeteria accompanied by a guard. He walked in and stopped as he saw the tables crowded with teens, girls, and boys. Minho came running over,"Hey, Thomas."

His voice brought him out of his trance like state,"Hey, what's going on?" Thomas walked over to Minho, and he began leading him to their table.

"We weren't the only maze. Come on." Minho signalled him to follow him as he walked back to the table. Thomas took a seat in between Newt and Minho. The gladers were listening to another boy describing how they got out. It was exactly the same as their way.

"There was a big loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere and started shooting up the place. It was intense. They pulled us out the maze and into this place." The other boy next to him nodded at what he said.

"What about the rest? The other people left in the maze. What happened to them?" Newt asked.

"I dont know. I guess Wicked still has them."

There was a second of silence before Newt spoke up again," How long have you been here?"

"Not long, just a day or two. That kid over there," the boy pointed to Aris, who had his hood up and was sitting on his own,"Been here the longest, almost a week."

The other boy next to him finally spoke up,"His maze was nothing but girls."

"Really?" Minho spoke up.

"Some guys have all the luck." The first boy spoke again,"The only person we've seen him talk to is the girl guard over there. She's nice, sticks up for us when we need it."

The gladers looked over to Jade, who was now walking over to the opening doors at the front with janson walking in, holding a clipboard. "Good evening, gentleman, ladies." Jade was stood by the side of Janson with her arms crossed over her chest.

Everyone turned to face them as he stood in the middle at the front."Yeah, definitely seems nice." Winston sarcastically spoke.

"You know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me. Where they will escort you to the eastern wing, your new lives are about to begin."

There was scattered applause as Janson opened up his clipboard. The gladers did not clap mainly just because they had no clue what was going on. Soon, the applause calmed down as the teens sat in their seats, hoping to be one of the names that are called.

"Conner." A boy behind the gladers stood up high-fiving his friend and making his way to the front. "Eveyln." The girls smiled as she slowly stood up, saying her goodbyes.

"Justin, Peter, Allison, Squiggy," the teens laughed at the unusual name,"All right. Settle down." Janson was smiling at the name as well. "Franklin and Abigail." There was a line of teens behind Janson and Jade with the guards in front of the line.

Janson closed the clipboard, making the other teens groan and begin turning back to their friends.

"Now, now, dont get discouraged. If i could take more, i would," Janson began making his way over to the guarded doors leading to the east wing,"There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up." Janson smiled, walking away to the doors.

Jade was now standing against a wall. Her eyes were trained on the teens walking away. The same feeling of guilt and doubt filled her stomach. The sound of applause filled the cafeteria as Minho and Thomas stretched their necks to see where they were going.

"Where are they going?" Minho nodded to the teens that had now left. The boy who first spoke responded,"Far from here," He turned around to face them again,"Lucky bastards."

The other boy turned around facing them aswell,"Some kind of farm. A safe space. They can only take in a couple of people at the time."

Out a large window, nurses passed by with Teresa in the middle of them,"What the hell?" Thomas muttered to himself. He stood up, walking away from the table and making his way to the window,"Hey Teresa?"

Aris and Jade both turned to look at him, Aris pulled down his hood to see more clearly, and Jade got ready to interveen if needed.

"Teresa!" Thomas yelled, making Teresa turn her head to face him before she disappeared from sight, Jade started making her way over to him as he neared the guarded doors.

"Hey, hey, hey," the two guards put their hands out to stop him from going any further. Thomas flicked his eyes between the hallway Teresa was in and the guard that spoke to him.

"Where are they taking her?"

"They just have to run a few more tests. Dont worry, they will be done with her soon." The guard nodding, showing a slight smile to hopefully make him back off.

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine." Thomas looked at the guard and the door, taking a moment to think before accepting it slightly. Jade was glad it didn't escalate and walked back to her position.

Aris looked at her, nodding to Thomas, and she nodded back with a hidden thumbs up.


The guard opened up the door, allowing the gladers who were in a single file line to enter their new living quaters. Frypan walked in first, followed by Minho, both of their eyes falling on the bunkbeds.

They both rushed over to it," Ooh, i got top bunk." Minho used the pole that was holding it up to hop up onto the bed,"Ahh, too slow."

Winston was already lying on his bed at the bottom of one of the bunkbeds. "I could get used to this." He said whilst getting himself comfortable.

Thomas and Newt both walked in, taking their time to let everything soak in,"Yeah. It's not bad." They both turned to the door that the guards had now locked.

Newt turned his head slightly to look around again, but he was brought back to looking at Thomas,"Hey, what do you think those guys wanted with Teresa?"

"If there is one thing i know about that girl is, she can take care of herself." Newt was getting slightly irritated of hearing him constantly speak about her even though they both knew she would be fine.

He looked at Thomas until he looked back at him,"Dont worry about it." Newt gave tight smile before turning to the ladder of the bunkbed next to him and climbing up it.

Thomas looked back at the locked door. The doubt was filling his mind, but he still settled down into the bed underneath Newt.

"Did anybody else reconisge that guard from earlier?" Frypan spoke up from his bed.

"You mean Jade?" Minho looked down over the side of his bed.

"Jade? How'd you know her name?" Thomas asks.

"She was in the lab running on the treadmills."

"Oh.. Well, yeah, she does seem familiar . I know her from somewhere, but i can't figure it out."

The boys all agreed, and they all thought about where they might know her from as they lay in bed.

Wicked Soldier ☆Minho☆Where stories live. Discover now