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*You were walking out of a gas station with a beer can in your hand. Without looking, you accidentally bumped into a tall man, who wore tight camo clothes and a balaclava mask on. He looked down at you slowly with his piercing gray eyes.*"Watch where you're going, little girl." *He said in a deep voice.*

*She felt herself tense up when he bumped into her, and her eyes widened slightly. She then looked up at him, and immediately noticed what he was wearing, which also made her tense up more. She knew this was one of the top guys, not someone she could mess around with, but she still decided to stand up for herself. She looked up at him, still holding the beer, and spoke quickly and firmly.* "I'm sorry for bumping into you, but there's no need to call me a 'little girl'".

*He looked at her with a little grin, which didn't match the harsh sound in his voice.*"What if there very much is a need." *He said, tilting his head slightly.* "You're what, 17, 18? Compared to me, you probably are just a little girl."*She felt herself get a bit frustrated by his tone, and decided to stand her ground once again. She didn't like being talked down to, especially not because she was young.*"Yeah, I'm 18 actually. But still, 'little girl' might be accurate compared to you, but it's still disrespectful. There's no need for rudeness here, not at all and I work with you or are you too old to reamber." *She said, looking up at him from under her eyebrows, challenging and confident.*"Ah, a firecracker." *He gave her a small smile.*"That wasn't really supposed to be an insult. You are young. You are smaller than me. You look younger than a lot of people. These all qualify for 'little girl' to me."*He paused.* "You know me, then?"*She felt herself get a bit annoyed again by the 'little girl' comment, but she made a conscious effort to control herself this time. She knew that he didn't mean any disrespect, and that he was probably also teasing and joking.*"Fine, 'big guy'. Just don't do it again!" *She said, trying to sound sassy and teasing back as she spoke, and looking at him right in the eyes.*

*She felt herself relax more and more, as she knew that he wasn't being rude or disrespectful towards her at all, and that he was just joking around and teasing her. She chuckled softly and took a sip of the beer.* "I know I am, but I just really feel like it now, you know? Can't resist temptation." *She said in a playful tone.*

*He chuckled at her reply, as he took a step closer, so he was standing right in front of her now.*"I know the feeling." *He said, still grinning.* "You look a bit stressed out."*Then, he grabbed the beer out of her hand and took a quick sip from it.* "How about I take that from you..."

*She felt herself become a bit more comfortable and at ease, as she realized he wasn't serious and was just trying to 'keep her out of trouble' (although she could perfectly well take care of herself.).* "Oh, but I really wanted to finish it now..." *She says in a whining, playful tone, and she tries to take the beer can back. She obviously wants her beer back.*

*He didn't let her take the beer back easily, he held onto it pretty tightly. But he also kept his playful attitude, as he looked down at her and smirked. It might have been childish behavior, but he was enjoying it.*"No, no. You're too young to be drinking, I can't allow you to do it..."*Then, he took another quick sip.*"I know, I know, but you know what they say: a little bit of beer leads to another, and another..." *He said.**With that said, he smirked again as he took a small sip from the beer, before finally giving it back to her.*"Okay, okay. Here, drink it. I'll let you have your beer...""Now that I'm more calm and have a clear head, there's one thing I don't know about you." *He looked her in the eyes as he spoke. His tone was more curious than teasing this time.*"You don't look fully Caucasian or African. Your hair and eye color also seem to be pretty rare."*He paused, his tone becoming a little bit more serious for a second.* "Mind if I ask where your parents are from? Are they from Asia?"*She smiles at his question, even though she usually wouldn't answer it if this question was asked in a more serious tone. She thought he was just curious and interested in where she came from, which made her more comfortable with answering his question.*"You're right, I'm not fully Caucasian. Me and my parents are from Japan, and I don't think it'd be a lie to say that we're a pretty weird bunch. Are you European, by any chance?"*He chuckled again. She really was exotic. He liked that.*"Wow. japan... Isn't that like, right in the south  of Asia?"*He paused, thinking about the question.* "Yes, I am European. I'm from Russia duh we are in Russia ."*She nods, amused by his quick response. She could see he was surprised that she was Kazakh instead of Russian.*"Yes, it is. I bet you didn't expect me to tell you that I'm from Kazakhstan."*She chuckles softly, and thinks back to her home country.*"Oh yes, sorry... I mean, you look like a local, don't even have an accent. I was just surprised that a Russian would be interested in my little Asian roots.. Do you have any? Or are you full blood Russian?""Hm... You're the first Japanese  I meet here. And honestly, I didn't even know where japan is before you told me. I thought it was just some place in Asia..."*He also chuckle, amused at how little he knew.*"I am full blood Russian, yes. But I'm not surprised I don't have an accent... I've lived in this country for my whole life, after all."*He paused.* "And yes, I am interested in your little Asian roots.""You've encountered some pretty bad and ignorant people." *He said, crossing his arms as he spoke.*"So I assume people have made some pretty racist comments on you, then?"*He raised an eyebrow at her.*"Have people also called you nasty stuff because of what you look like? I can imagine people here aren't generally used to seeing Asians around..."*She nods immediately, and gives him a sad grin.* "Yeah... I mean, I've been used to it since I was a little kid, but I'm really glad to see that not everyone here is like that."*She lowers her head, thinking about the comments people have called her over the years.* "I've definitely been called disgusting and vile names just because of the way I look. It's not fun at all, but I've come to accept it. I usually just try to ignore those comments. What about you? Have you ever experienced racism?"*He looked at her, seeing her sad grin. He could see that she was used to and had been accustomed to the racism all her life. He felt so bad for her...**Then, he shook his head at her last comment, seeming to ignore her question about his own experience with racism.*"I'm really sorry you've been through all of this. You don't deserve it at all. You're a nice person..." *He said, with another small smile.**She smiles back at him as he speaks, and feels a bit surprised by his kindness towards her. She felt that most people didn't care about her feelings at all, or just simply ignored her feelings. But with him, she felt like her emotions were being taken into account too, which she liked.*"Thank you.. I really appreciate your kind words. I wouldn't say I'm really the nicest person in the world, but thanks anyway. But I'd like to ask you something, if that's okay..?"*He smiled back as she thanked him and acknowledged his kindness. He felt a small sense of pride inside himself for acting this way. For treating her like he did.*"Sure. What is it?" *He answered her, raising his eyebrow once again, intrigued with what question she might have for him.*

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