Episode Two.

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Bold letters are visions.

Recap: "Where is he going? Is he going home?" MsChu asks. "He's on his way to get beaten up again." Ha-na says. We all look at her, confused.

3rd POV
"Who is that girl we saw today?" Hyeok-u asks, holding Mun by his backpack strap. "I can't tell you." Mun said, looking at Hyeok-u. "You can't? Then don't tell me. I'll make you spill the truth." Hyeok-u said, punching Mun, causing him to fall onto the ground.

Ung-min tried to get up. "You jerks!"  He yells, grabbing Hyeok-u by hit ankle. "Stop hitting Mun! Mun, who is she? Just tell him! If not, you might die!"  He continues before Geun-yeong grabbed Ung-min's head and throwing him onto he floor away from Hyeok-u.

Mun got up, holding his cheek. "You've done enough. So, it's time for you to stop!" Mun yells. "Cut your damn nonsense. Where is she right now?" Hyeok-u asks, throwing a punch at Mun, who grabs Hyeok-u's fist before it can hit him. Hyeok-u let's out small grunts trying to punch Mun

"I've paid you back in full. You son of a bitch." Mun says, still holding onto Hyeok-u's fist. "What the hell is this guy saying?" Cheon-jung says as he kicks Mun's side, causing the latter to fall into the ground. "Damn it." Hyeok-u hissed.

"Hey, get up. It's all over now, okay?" Geun-yeong said, dragging Mun up, before shoving him into Hyeok-u who grabs Mun by his collar. "What? Stop? How dare you tell me to stop?" Hyeok-u says before throwing Mun onto the ground.

Hyeok-u straddles Mun's waist and starts punching him. "Keep showing me attitude!" Hyeok-u yells, punching Mun again. "I'm going to kill you." He punches Mun to hard, causing the latter to go unconscious.

"Hey, enough!" Cheon-jung says, trying dragging Hyeok-u off of Mun. "Let go!" Geun-yeong says, helping Cheon-jung drag Hyeok-u off of Mun.

After Hyeok-u is off of Mun, Geun-yeong and Cheon-jung hold Hyeok-u back as Ung-min goes to Mun. "Hey, are you all right?" Ung-min asks, worried. "I'm going to kill you!" Hyeok-u yells, trying to escape the two boys grip.

"This is enough!" Geun-yeong says. "Hey Mun.. Mun, are you okay? Mun! Wake up! Mun!" Ung-min yells. "Is he dead? I told you to stop" Geun-yeong asks. "Damn it!" Hyeok-u yelled.

"The cops are here!" Mo-tak yells, as him and the other counters walk in. "Who are those weirdos?" Cheon-jung asks. "Wait, the cops are here?" Hyeok-u asks. "I was just playing a prank on you. Look at you all scared." Mo-tak says.

"Who are you bastards?" Hyeok-u ask. "Don't swear, kiddo?" Mo-tak tells. "What do you want?" Geun-yeong asks.

All four of the counters walk forward slightly, Ha-na takes her hood off and pulls her mask down. Junho does the same. "That boy is a member of our organization." Mo-tak says. "Your organization?" Hyeok-u asks.

Mo-tak put's his hand on his head. Eonni's gang." He says, MsChu does a pose as well, causing Junho and Ha-na to get embarrassed as Hyeok-u and the two boys laugh. "With an old fart like yourself and that grandma? Hold on. Isn't she that girl?" Geun-yeong asks. "Jeez, you guys beat the crap out of him. Kids these days are so cruel. This could kill someone. You'll go to jail." MsChu says.

Ha-na walks to Mun. "Why should we go to jail? That bitch should. An adult hit a minor." Hyeok-u says, before walking to Junho. "She's two to three years older than you, cut the shit." Junho says.

"Just know that my dad is an assemblyman." Cheon-jung says. "Gosh." MsChu says. "Jeez, you son of a bitch. this is why the victims can't report you guys." Mo-tak says. "I bet their parents are assholes too." MsChu says. "Total assholes, I'm sure." Mo-tak agrees.

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