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He had a desperate hungry look in his eyes as he pinched my nipples between his fingers
I felt the tension rise in my pants
He noticed
He looked at me with questioning eyes and I nodded
But not before I pulled at his shirt until he tore it off
I couldn't be stopped
He was lean but strong
My mouth was watering
"More joong please"
He knew what that meant
He untied the sweatpants I had on and pulled them completely off
My dick was being held in by thin fabric
So of course he leaned and kissed up my length
It twitched and I'm sure Hongjoong noticed
He started sucking through the fabric while I squirmed
"Please just fuck me already!"
He took that one seriously
He yanked off my boxers and I felt my rock hard dick bounce against my stomach
Hongjoong is a tease if you didn't know
He pulled me by my hips and started to prep me
He listens very well
He brought his fingers to my mouth and I took them in
While sucking them I saw his problem
Shit he's big
He pulled his fingers out and pressed one against my rim before pushing in
I couldn't help it but I more screamed than moaned
He began moving slowly then with immense speed
He looked at me for confirmation
(Consent is hot kids)
I'll always take more
He repeated the process adding three fingers total
Anywhere anytime
I nodded
I feel safe as his
I heard his pants get thrown across the room
I felt his tip on my rim
He held his hand out in front of me
He pushed in
If his hand could breathe it would be suffocating
I could feel every detail every centimeter
He is still big if not bigger than before
He let me adjust before he leaned to kiss my chest as he started moving
He was going slow
But him biting my nipples sent me farther
(I'm not at the point where I can keep writing smut yet so imagine if you can?)
Hongjoong pov

I collapsed over the boy but caught myself before hitting him
Instead I kissed his forehead
He was wrecked
"Do you want to take a shower baby?"
He nodded and I rolled off
"I'll clean everything while you do that hwa okay?"
Instead of a response with words, he grunted when he hit is feet to the floor and gave me a teasing annoyed look
I tried but failed to hide a smirk while he wobbled to the bathroom
I stripped the bed and threw on new sheets and checked the blankets to see if they got touched which most hadn't
I also grabbed hwa clean underwear and a thin shirt and I left them outside of the bathroom door while I changed into clean clothes and threw all the dirty laundry in the washer
My hwa came out of the bathroom to find the clothes that he threw on before struggling into my bed
I held him under his arms and pulled him up close to me
I shut off the light but I had questions that wouldn't let me sleep
He grunted too tired to speak
"I didn't force anything right? I don't want to remind you of them I want to show you that they didn't take happiness from you you just needed to find me but I can't remember if I pushed too hard"
"Joongie you did nothing of those sorts now let me sleep~"
I laid down completely and held his head right up to my neck
We were both asleep in minutes

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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