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Welcome to SeongJoong Ego:
Hongjoong pov
You spend your life looking for love and hope but so far I've just gotten hurt
Why is no one right?
So that's why I'm here drowning in alcohol in a club
I'm in debt but who cares
The large room is loud and dark and humid
I got up to grab another drink when someone grabbed my neck and turned me towards them
A taller male wearing what is hardly a shirt and skin tight pants with black hair was who grabbed him
I've settled on pan I don't gotta worry
So damn this guy was hot
I could smell flowers on him
"Oh sorry hyung I thought you were someone else."
How does he know my age in comparison to him
Do I look old?
While stuck in my thoughts the boy had locked his eyes on my body and let his eyes roam
That was hot
"Never worry about it baby I'm sure you'll make it up to me."
I whisper yelled in his ear just loud enough to hear
I saw the boy tense
But then he put a hand on my chest
"Let's get out of here gorgeous."
I grabbed the random tie he had on and pulled him outside
It was brisk but not bad
I kept pulling him until he asked where we were going
"One how wasted are you two im wasted and three I was gonna take you to my apartment I don't want to be alone tonight."
He nodded sharply
I continued to walk
"It's not very much longer."
We hit my apartment building and I lead him in the back entrance
The taller scanned everything we went past and whipped around at any noise
Poor thing
It's cute
I gotta teach him he's not in danger with me
We reached my room on the first floor and I unlocked it revealing my two bedroom apartment
It wasn't much and it was a mess but it was good enough
I let go of his tie and snapped the door closed before I grabbed his tie again pulling him to my face
His eyes that before showed fear were glassy and eager
I moved a hand to his hip pulling him closer
"Baby what do you think?" This time we were alone and I could talk in my normal seductive voice
He shivered in my hands
I let my eyes fall to his lips then let my hand fall to his thighs trapped under the tight fabric
I want to release him from their grasp
Tonight no one can be closer to him than me
I read his look and move a hand behind his head before tilting my own and pressing my lips on his
Just a test
And he passed
He rubbed his teeth on my lower lip and I started to lose it
Through motion sickness due to the alcohol I move his up against my wall
No one's been right there before
I trapped him in with my arms
"What's your name beautiful?"
"Seonghwa you can just call me hwa or baby works too"
"Seonghwa meet Hongjoong. I don't know if I'm older than you but hyung works."
I leaned forward and took a hand that started to run along his neck
I bite my tongue
I leaned my head in brushing my lips along his soft skin
His scent was warm and blinding
"Can I hwa?"
I felt his heart speed up at his pulse point
He breathed a shallow breath and put his hand on the back of my head, pushing me to his neck
I attached my lips just below his jaws inhaling all of him
I parted my lips and began to suck small love bites into him
Oh wait no marks I don't know yet
"Baby, marks?"
His voice was breathy
"Yes hyung"
I pulled his neck to me holding him still as I sunk my teeth to his skin
Soft whimpers got caught in his throat and encouraged me
I bit into his neck, holding and sucking his skin hard enough to leave marks that would take days to fade
My hwa.
I took my other hand and placed it on his soft ass, kneading my hands against the leather material
I let my mouth travel down his neck dragging my teeth on his skin
My mouth landed onto his collarbone my favorite place to claim
The younger boy shivered and let out a soft sigh
I formed my mouth around the dip between where his bones met
I ran my hands up his back and to his neck
"Hwa baby jump up."
The handsome boy listened perfectly and wrapped his legs around my legs like a belt
I move both my hands under his ass to pull him even closer and walk him across the room to my bed
I leaned down with my knees and softly laid him on the mattress
I crawled up and kissed him my head upside down compared to his
He slid out and got up to stare at me with intense hunger
That's hot too
I've only ever topped but as long as I'm with hwa everything is okay
"Hyung it's my turn now."
The lean boy smirked before letting his hands roam free
He reached under my shirt
I shivered and he stopped concerned so I pushed his hand back under
If I wasn't hard before then I am now
Goddamnit seonghwa what are you doing to me how do I feel so good
Hwa leaned his head down and looked at me with the most hungry look
"I want to see more hyung."
His voice was soft but deep
"Go for it baby I'm all yours."
My heart rate increased as he played with the bottom of my shirt before trying to pull it off me but not being able to easily so he ripped my shirt off
He knew it was just a black tshirt
I watched him rip it as he let his tongue hang out of his mouth determined to make a point to someone
Finally my hard dick was noticed
No one could miss the lust and hunger in hwas eyes the moment he went to it
His slender fingers ghosted around my crotch along the seams of my ripped jeans
He went to unbutton them but he faltered
Hwa didn't know how to do it
I grabbed onto his scrappy shirt undoing the zippers Velcro and buttons to get it off him faster
I don't really care how desperate I look
Because the other boy was 3 times worse
Or better to me cause his desperation was fueling me
I managed to get over him once again and I knew where to go next
All I did was make the flaps open
That's not enough
"Is this okay hwa?"
I signaled to his destroyed shirt
I watched him swallow probably more intensely than i should
"More than okay hyung"
His voice was unmistakably breathy and very deep
How can such a pretty boy have such a deep voice
I let my hands lay flat on his chest
I could feel his abs even with the shirt on imagine with it off
I pulled hwa up by the random tie he still had on some reason
He sat up and let me tease at the hem of his shirt
I closed my eyes as I took it off I want a surprise when I open them again
After a lot of struggles I finally got it off
I dropped it and let my eyes open
Fuck he was hot
I pushed him back down and immediately began tracing every line
I heard hwa sigh and I saw him bite his lip
No boy will hide their musical noises from me
"Baby don't hide from me."
Maybe I was harsh
But he listened
I continued the trail of marks down his chest while he moaned softly
He then slapped his hand to his mouth
Is this his first
"Hwa is this your first time?"
He covered his face and nodded lightly
So pulled his hands off
His face was adorable
I couldn't resist and I kissed him softly
He was shaking
Shit I was too pushy
I put my head next to him and grabbed his hand holding it to my chest
"Shit baby I'm sorry what do you want to do?"
I felt the most sober I have ever been and the boy returned a unfaltering gaze
I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles
I felt his tenseness
Damn I fucked up
Why do I care so much about this random boy I just met
I just do
"Um I uh don't think I'm ready for it full blown but I still want to get off if that's in anyway possible."
"Hwa we can do whatever you want however you want it just tell me so I know okay?"
He nodded
"Can we sit for me talking hyung?"
Anything for him
"Of course baby sit with me."
I got off him and sat while he settled across from me
He couldn't look at me
I feel so bad
"I I um don't know details I just want it gentle please? And if you don't want me anymore I can go to the train station no problem hyung."
"Hwa do you want me to touch you more than so far?"
He finally looked at me
He looked so confused
"Hwa baby I'll tell you what how about you go into the bathroom and do whatever you need and I would suggest show first okay?"
He released his shoulders
"Thank you joong but you don't have to."
I want you to stay if you will I want to get to know you there's something I just can't lose you hwa."
Now I probably seem creepy too
I stood and offered him my hand
He took it
I led him to the bathroom and went to get him warmer more comfortable clothes
He'd shut the door
"Hwa I'm putting clothes outside the door okay?"
I didn't hear a response but I knew he must have heard me
I walked off over to the other bedroom after I grabbed new clothes
I closed the door as quiet as possible I couldn't scare him more
I can't believe I'm still so hard
It must have scared him but i need to get rid of it
Shamefully I dropped my pants and finally gave my dick the attention it needed
I have no other way to rid it I guess
I snagged the lube I have in each room always ready
I squeezed a small amount on to my hand and delt with it
(Author note I'm sorry I'm too wimpy to do smut yet but I'll try thank you)
I had changed and went to the small living room I had
I want to make hwa comfortable
I want to love him softly
I heard the shower turn off and waited
I sat I didn't want to scare him
The door opened and he walked out with caution
"How was it?"
I have shitty hot water I just hope it was working
"It was nice thank you."
"Will you come sit with me I was thinking we could get to know each other or just sit in silence."
He cracked a smile the first one I saw from him that was real
He walked over and sat next to me not too far away
I grabbed the remote
"Wanna watch something?"
He nodded
"Hwa could we do something horror if you're okay with that?"
He nodded but I saw the flash in his eyes
Well even though I've only known him for a couple hours but he was very stubborn
I scrolled through the movies and found one I'd watched before
(Author notes I don't know a lot of moviesㅠㅠ)
I snagged a throw blanket I had and threw it over hwas head
His laugh was the most beautiful thing
Contrary to some other horror films this one was horror each second
I saw him jump and he leaned closer to me
I wanted to hold him but things need to go his Speed I can wait
He's worth it
We were only 15 minutes in but hwas longer hair was almost touching my chest
How much I wanted to pull him close and tell him it's okay but I need to hold on
One of the scarier scenes was up
People and animals were being sucked into the earth
Maybe unconsciously he grabbed my shirt and hid his face in it
But intentionally he nudged my arm over him and moved right up to my chest
I wrapped my hand around his upper body that's the best I got for now
This was enough
A blaring sound bursted from the tv speaker
An emergency weather report
A tornado
I watched hwas eyes widen more than I thought was possible
He was shaking
I put my other arm around him and held him close
"Hwa stay here with me, I bought this apartment because it's a bunker basically but the WiFi will probably go out."
I felt the scared boy nod and tighten his grip on my arm
"Follow me so we can fully shut this down okay?"
He moved to get up but looked at me the fear still in his eyes
"My cats are in my apartment."
I nodded
"Well we just have to go get them and whatever we can bring"
"Come on"
I pulled him to my crappy car in the underground lot but it will work
I started running fast
I unlocked the car and jumped into the drivers seat while hwa jumped in on the other side
I sped out without checking if he was buckled yet we had cats to save
The roads were empty everyone going for shelters
The police can't arrest me they're hiding too
Hwa told me his address and I knew right where the building was
I shoved the petal down and went 75
We could be there in 3 minutes if I kept the speed
The place was straight ahead
Hwa was squeezing onto the handle and had his eyes shut tight
This was on me multiple lives on the line
There's the lot finally
I slowed and turned into it
Hwa jumped out before I stopped the car
I left the old car unlocked ran after him
The building was manually locked

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