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Seeing her all helpless pleased the beast. It meant that it would be easier to take over her body and soul. It shook its neck, its feathers fluttering as the sound of chains clash with the cool floor. It just had to wait for the right moment, to take over her body.


Everyone sat around the chabudai. Tazuna sat at the head of the table with Sakura to his left and Kakashi to his right. Next to Sakura sat Sasuke. Next to Kakashi sat (Y/n) and Naruto. Inari sat at the other end of the table while Tsunami was finishing up in the kitchen. (Y/n) had offered help, but when Tsunami saw all her bruises and dirt-covered figure, she sent her to wash up before dinner.

Dinner wasn't interesting. Naruto and Sasuke kept trying to out-eat each other, but both ended up vomiting the food out, annoying both Sakura and (Y/n). The pinkette scorned both of them, telling them to stop wasting the food. After dinner, Tsunami had served everyone tea while she was cleaning up.

(Y/n) rested her chin on her right hand, staring at the wall ahead of her. Thoughts about the beast run through her mind. She still couldn't understand what the beast meant by "clan". As far as she knew, her parents found her in a box on the outskirts of the rural village. Whoever had left her had not left any markings or objects that could help her trace back to her biological family.

Maybe it was just because her biological parents came from another poor, rural village. There were many of those due to the lasting effects of the Third Shinobi War. Yes, hidden villages like Konoha had survived, but people were scared of another war and so they moved away from small villages into the hidden ones.

She is pulled out of her thoughts when a door slams shut. Her (e/c) eyes look over to the spot where Inari had been. Her eyebrows furrow, why had the young boy left?

She scans the faces of everyone, all of them frowning. Kakashi is the first to speak up, "I'm guessing there is a story there."

Tazuna lets out a quiet sob before composing himself, "The man in the picture was not Inari's biological father, but he was his father figure. Inari was such a good, happy kid back then...until what happened to his father."

(Y/n)'s lips form a firm line. Did she really want to listen to a story about a kid losing his dad like she had lost her parents? Sure, it was five years ago, but she was still not able to cope. She sometimes had nightmares, where their corpses stared back at her and guilted her for being alive when she was supposed to be dead.

(Y/n)'s fist gripping tightly onto the edge of her shorts, no, I have to be strong.

"Let me tell you about the day that our island's hero was taken from us," Tazuna takes in a deep breath, wiping his built-up tears, "Let me start at the beginning, it was three years ago..."

Tazuna had gone into detail about the day Inari and Kaiza had met. Inari was being bullied by one of the village's boys who threw his dog into the ocean. Inari had then been pushed into the ocean, but he had begun drowning. That is when Kaiza came in and saved him. Since then, Inari and Kaiza had built a father-son-like bond.

One day there was a terrible storm where the village was about to be flooded when the gates of the dams were forcefully opened. Kaiza had put his life at risk to close them, swimming through the turbulent current of the rivers. He had become the village's hero that day.

However, Gato wouldn't have it, he needed the island's morale to be crushed so they could mindlessly follow him. He had Kaiza executed in front of the entire village including Inari.

(Y/n)'s nails dug into her skin, anger flooding her veins. How could anyone possibly do that? How could they get away with it? She couldn't forgive Gato. A sick feeling built up in her stomach, she felt like she wanted to harm something, kill something.

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