Thirty Six

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She was completely out of it.

My stomach churned as the vivid image of Danny slicing her fingers cycled through in my head.

I'd never seen a vision make her do anything so physical. When she starts to have one, her body goes all limp and her eyes gloss over like she's hypnotized.

It was apparent her visions were getting stronger, and now she suddenly knew a language she hadn't known before.

If I didn't know any better, I'd be anointing my car with the largest bottle of olive oil I could find.

Being friends with Danny never ceased to surprise me. If it wasn't her spontaneous personality that kept me on edge, it was the spontaneity of her abilities.

It kept me up at night thinking sometimes; wondering if any of this is real. Then her abilities reassure me, stunning me everyday. She handled them as if it were nothing, and sure, it may seem like that to the untrained eye, but I knew she was just as surprised by it.

After what felt like forever, I'd found a gas station near Deadman's with a bathroom. We could've gone somewhere in Solaris, but Danny demanded that she get to her unknown destination before sunset.

The water wasn't running great in the gas station bathroom we were in, but it was enough to wash off the blood that dried on her hands.

She hisses at the pain of her cuts being showered in hot water, so I turn the faucet to a cooler setting. Guiding her hands, I gently rub them under the stream, watching the cherry colored water slip down the drain.

''I'm sorry.''

Goosebumps riddle my arms at the soft whisper that escapes her lips.

''You have nothing to be sorry for. On the other hand, I do. I was mad at you for using intimate moments between you and Phoenix to make me all riled up, but I deserved it. I made you feel like you have to pick.''

''There is no picking, Thor. Phoenix truly means nothing to me. But he means something to someone else, and I'm trying to figure out what happened to them.''

''Amalia.'' I state, suddenly curious to why she brought her up, ''You don't think he was the one that--''

''Maybe...I don't know. I can't make bold claims like that without being one hundred percent sure. Amalia deserves more than a hunch. I need proof. And in order to get that, I need him to stay around, despite how disgusting I find him.''

Yeah, Phoenix. She finds you disgusting.

A subtle smile slips onto my face and Danny catches it. ''What're you smiling about?''


I grab paper towel from the dispenser above the sink and dry her hands off.

''Also, about what I said earlier...I don't want you to take it the wrong way.''

''About my so called 'infatuation' with Phoenix being pathetic? Or about not knowing what I want?


I really fucked up.

I sigh remorsefully. ''The latter.''

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