Dragon's Heir

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Kings Landing

Viserys and Aemmas chambers

Aemma Arryn, the lady married to Prince Viserys Targaryen, was in her room. She smiled as she massaged her swollen belly.

"One day, very soon, I will hold you in my arms and shower you with love as only a mother could." Aemma said. "You'll hunt and ride on your dragon."

"How is my little dragon?" Viserys asked as he entered the room.

Aemma chuckled. "Busy. He's been kicking all day."

"Perhaps he's ready to come out." Viserys said.

Aemma laughed. "Well, the maester said that he should be ready to come any day now."

Viserys put his hands on Aemmas belly. "I can't wait to meet him."

"What if we have a girl?" Aemma asked.

"Then she will be loved and adored by both of her parents." Viserys said. Suddenly, Aemma winced in pain. "Are you alright, my love?" The young prince asked.

Aemma looked down and saw a wet puddle on the floor. "Viserys, the baby is coming."

A few minutes later, Aemma was moved to a birthing room and was surrounded by handmaidens and the Grandmaester.

"You have to push, my lady!" The Grandmaester urged.

"Guaaahh!" Aemma screamed and shot her head back. She then looked at her handmaidens. "Please let my child live. I can't lose another one. Exchange my child's life for mine if you must."

"Shhh. Take deep breaths, my lady." The handmaiden urged.

"Arghh!" Aemma pushed again when she felt a contraction hit her.

"One more push, my lady." The Grandmaester said. "I can see the head."

"Huaahhh!" Aemma screamed loudly, and she felt something slip out of her.

"Wahhhh! Wahhhh! Wahhh!" A loud cry filled the room.

"A boy, my lady." The Grandmaester said after cleaning the baby.

"Praise the mother." A handmaiden said.

"Give to me. Let me hold him." Aemma said. The Grandmaester immediately gave the babe to Aemma. She started shedding tears of joy. "You're here. You're finally here."

Just then, Viserys entered the room. "My love?" He called out.

"I'm fine. We're both fine." Aemma said. "This is your papa." She told the babe. Aemma looked at her husband. "I want to call him Rhaegon."

Even though Viserys wanted to name his son after the conquerer, Aegon, he didn't care in this moment. His son was here, and his wife was happy. Prince Baelon Targaryen entered the room.

"What happy news this day!" He beamed with pride. "Where is my grandchild?"

"Grandson, father." Viserys corrected Baelon.

"A boy." Baelon laughed. "I'm proud of you both."

"Thank you, my prince." Aemma said.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Baelon asked.

"I should, but I can't stop looking at him. He's perfect." Aemma said.

"He'll be a great warrior. The greatest in the realm." Baelon praised. His face then fell.

"What's wrong, Father?" Viserys asked.

"Nothing. I just wish your mother were here." Baelon said. "She'd be so proud of you, my son."

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