Daemons chambers
Cerelle woke up after having sex with her husband. She walked to find him reading and rolled her eyes.
"Perhaps you should come to bed?" Cerelle suggested.
"Why? You already got what you wanted, and I'm doing what I want." Daemon said as he was reading.
"You wanted to see your nephew and now you're here. The least you can do is be a husband to your wife." Cerelle said.
"So that I can hear how you long for home again?" Daemon inquired.
"I have no home because I chose you." Cerelle reminded him. When Jason Lannister found out his daughter was marrying Daemon, his anger was limitless. He wanted to disown her, but his brother Tyland reminded him that it would be an insult to the royal family.
"I didn't ask you to." Daemon said.
"You didn't have to. I know that you don't love me, but you're good at fucking and you gave me two children whom I love very much." Cerelle said.
"Well, you did give me a son, you're not so bad yourself." Daemon said.
Cerelle smiled at Daemon and walked away. She then removed her robe. "Are you coming?" She asked.
Daemon stared at his wife's naked body and licked his lips. A few seconds later he joined her in bed and they had sex
Rhaegons chambers
"I don't understand." Rhaenyra said. She was still in shock as to what Rhaegon was telling her.
Rhaegon sighed. "I...died, but something brought me back."
"What do you mean?" Laena asked.
"All I know is a name. Moribund. He...or it brought me back from death." Rhaegon said.
"This is too much." Rhaenyra said. "I...we lost you and you went to the second Stepstones war knowing about this...Moribund?" Rhaenyra spat.
"I had to go. You both know this." Rhaegon pointed out.
"No you didn't!" Laena yelled. "We needed you. Our children needed you, and you left us!"
"I know, but the realm is safer now. I've ensured it." Rhaegon said. "I didn't want to tell either of you because I knew that it would only make you worry more."
"Who else knows...about you dying?" Rhaenyra asked.
"Daemon, Lord Corlys, Laenor and father. Some knights that fought in the first war." Rhaegon said. "They only know because they saw me rise up from the dead."
"I'm... I don't know what to say." Laena said.
"I understand that you're both angry, but I kept this secret for a reason." Rhaegon stated.
Rhaenyra sighed. "Whatever happened, I need you to understand that I would never be too angry at you."
"Neither would I." Laena said. "You did what you to do for our family and for the realm."
"Sometimes I wish that I wasn't named heir, but Moribund told me that I'm needed for the realm. You both understand that these...Greens want power and we cannot let them have it. They will destroy the house of the dragon and it will result in our deaths and that of our children." Rhaegon said
"Agreed. Just...I want you to be more open with us." Rhaenyra said.
Rhaegon sighed. "There's one other thing that I have to tell you, but I can only tell you once I know what it truly means."

Blood of the Dragon[on Hold]
Fiksi UmumHeir to the throne First born son of King Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn Nothing is greater than his love for his sister