8. Arrested

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*(warning: hints and mentions of toxic relationships, substance abuse, domestic/physical abuse. I will not be overly graphic, just enough to get the idea across.)*


I light up, the orange flame glowing brightly before going out. I take a deep inhale, looking out to the sea of partygoers.

No one should be here; it's an exclusive party held by the elites. I sip my cocktail, feeling nervous.

Tonight... Dom said he had a surprise for me. I saw him maybe forty minutes ago. He walked away with some girl... I haven't seen him since.

I rub my wrist nervously, worried about what I should do. I came here with him... he knows how nervous I am to be at these underground parties-


My heart pounds as someone races to turn down the music. Shit! That must be the cops! I search frantically for Dom, yet don't see him.

My heart drops as the door is kicked open, everyone screaming and chaos ensuing as they try running away.

I put my smoke out, choosing to hold myself in an attempt to feel some comfort.

An officer approaches me and grabs my wrist. He pulls me to stand, our eyes widening as we see who the other is.

I hear Dom yelling, seeing as he's dragged out in handcuffs in just his underwear; the girl soon pulled after him.

He meets my eyes, his blue ones wide, as he realizes I've just figured out he's cheated on me.

The officer handcuffs me, and then his hand tightens on my wrist as he leads me from the hotel suite.

I'm silent as I'm led down to a cop car, my heart going a mile a minute.

The officer opens the door for me and sits me down. I take in quick breaths as I stare out the window.

I try not to panic. This was always the risk I faced for being with Dom. Sure, the ring pops, money, and exciting trips were fun. But the cheating, the lying, the manipulating gaslighting should have been a red flag.

No, I always knew they were red flags; I simply chose to do nothing about it.

I watch as whoever partied with us is thrown into cop cars. Shit... this is bad.

I keep quiet as the officer gets into the car. He sits with his eyes looking to the road, not saying anything.

I rub my wrist nervously, my fingers cold and clammy from how scared I am.

This feels even worse knowing who has arrested me.

Officer: "Yes, I've got one. Ok... Roger that."

He speaks into a clip radio, then sighs as he puts his hands on the wheel.

We follow a line of cars away from the "Rocking Rager" hotel. I should have kept my smoke; I'm freaking out.

I avoid eye contact with him, my heartbeat picking up painfully fast as we're driven into what looks like mile-long traffic.

The officer sighs, making me very nervous.

Officer: "So..."

I look at him, our eyes meeting through the mirror. I can see how panicked I am, my eyes wide.

I'm not confident at all right now. Dom had me dress in a nearly there crop top and shorts set, so I feel pretty exposed, especially when I'm sat handcuffed in a cop car.

Officer: "What were you doing in the top ring pop dealer's hotel suite?"

I keep quiet, hearing the sound of my handcuffs jingling from how hard my hands are shaking.

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