Trailblazer (9)

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Blade let out a soft hum, signaling you to continue. “After that… I basically moved into his suite… we got insanely close during the years we spent there together.”
“How close?” he asked.
“U-uh… our relationship was… kinda hard to explain…” you muttered. Blade looked at you expectedly. “You're not going to drop the topic, are you?” Blade simply nodded in response. “Okay… the easiest way to explain it… we became something more than friends, but less than lovers.” 
“So, you are friends, but with benefits.” Blade sighed.
“T-that sounds gross though…”
“Am I wrong?”
“I-I… no?”
Blade didn't meet your eyes. “He seems to truly care about you… how is it that you two aren't lovers?”
“We tried it… kinda… just, felt like something was missing… for both of us.” you laughed nervously. “S-sorry… I know this sounds really weird—”
“Don't apologize.” Blade said harshly.  “He's how you started working for the IPC I assume?”
“O-oh… yeah, he is.” you muttered before your phone lit up.

Shitass <3: “Looks like I can finally text you again… meet me in the V.I.P lounge asap.”

“Is that him?” Blade asks, looking at your phone.
“Y-yeah… wonder what he needs me for?” you muttered.
“Just… don’t get into something stupid.” he sighed.
“I won't! Be back!”

It didn't take you long to find the V.I.P lounge. You spotted Aventurine playing with a coin and waved. “Ah, you came faster than expected…” Aventurine laughed, catching his coin and walking over to you. “Mind accompanying me for some… business?”
“U-um… sure? What kind?”
“Personal, we're just gonna see if a friend is around…” he smirked, taking your hand in his. “I need you there just in case things go south.”
“... Aven, what are you getting me into?” you groaned as he led you up the stairs.
“Nothing big, just need someone there I can trust,” he said with a soft smile. You continued walking till you reached someone's room. Aventurine opened the door and you two walked in. “And now.. We wait.”

It wasn't long until you heard someone enter the room. “How wonderful… We meet again, friend.” Aventurine said, turning around to greet the stranger. You turned around as well to be met by a gray haired girl with yellow eyes. The girl looked shocked and went to grab her bat before Aventurine laughed casually. “No need for hostilities! I'm just here to admire the festive vibe… This may be your room now, but half a system hour ago, it was mine.” You glanced at him and back at the girl. Before you could speak, Aventurine spoke up once more. “A lucky block number… a lucky floor… a lucky room number… you should be grateful I handed this room over to you!” The girl glared at him before he spoke once more. “You really thought the family acted out of their own goodwill? Please… you have no idea just how many people would kill to have a place in this hotel… so… let's sit down and chat, consider it your payment for this favor of mine.”

He put on his usual smile, his eyes never leaving theirs. “What do you want from me, Aventurine?” the girl spat.
“Simply put my friend… I need your help. I'm sure you know why.. the Family’s eyes are everywhere… you get the deal. My goal is simple, just fetch some things that belonged to the IPC… if you agree, you will reap great rewards.. as well as the preservation’s protection… the power man both desire and fear is in the palm of your hands… right Ms. Stellaron?” he cooed.

You froze instantly upon hearing this. Aventurine continued on. “You don't have to answer now… but when the time is right, I'll come looking for you again.” Aventurine turned to you, a softer smile plastered on his face. “You can get going now… I believe I have this under my control.”
“U-uh… y-yeah… okay.” you said before quickly walking out of the room and back to your shared room with Blade.

As soon as you entered, Blade sighed. “What did you do…?”
“N-nothing!! Aventurine dragged me into some weird talk with this girl… he called her ‘Ms. Stellaron'??”
Blade raised an eyebrow. “What does he want with her..?”
“You know her?”
“Barely… she's a part of our enemies…”
Blade rolled his eyes. “The Astral Express… you haven't heard of them?” You shook your head causing Blade to sigh yet again. “I'll tell you about them later… just, stay away from them.”
“I-i… think ima just go back into the dreamscape…” you laughed nervously. “I assume you're staying here?” you asked before he shook his head. “W-wait… huh?”
“Knowing you, you'll do something stupid… so I'm going.”
“Just shut up and sleep.” Blade scoffed.
You smiled happily at him. “On it!”

“Ren!! Where are you??” you called out, looking around for Blade.
“Not so loud…” Blade groaned, appearing behind you. You turned around and smiled wide at him. “... what's gotten you so happy?”
“Dunno! Why? Is it weird that I'm happy?” you asked.
“... it's unnerving. Stop it”
“Sick, gonna make it even more obnoxious then.” you snickered. Blade groaned before walking away. “Ren!! Ren, wait , c'mon man!! Wait for me you ass!”

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