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Oikawa Tooru had everything you could possibly want. But still he wasn't happy. He had loving parents, money, friends, a lot of girls around him and he was also really handsome. And it wasn't enough. He felt unlovable. Yeah, his parents loved him, but he craved another's person's touch and affection. All of the girls who admired him, weren't enough. He knew that they just wanted him because of his looks. They never cared for his personality. Surely, he would try to date them, but it never worked. Only person who understood him was Iwaizumi Hajime, his bestfriend since kindergarten.

Iwaizumi never cared for love or soulmates, at least that's what he told everyone. But the truth was, that he was gay. He knew that his friends would accept it, but wouldn't it be weird?
Iwaizumi's parents weren't against bi or gay people, but he was still scared to tell them, so it was his deepest secret.

Iwaizumi learned how to hide all of his feelings. Iwaizumi always could read Oikawa's feelings, but for the past two months, it became really hard.

Today was 19th of July, which meant that tomorrow was Oikawa's birthday. To be exact, his 17th birthday. Tomorrow was the day that he would see his soulmates emotions for the first time. He wondered if his soulmate is already seeing his feelings or not. He hoped not, because he was scared like he has never been before, which lead to feeling ashamed. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard his mother's voice.

"Tooru! Come eat with us!" His mother yelled.

"Coming!" Oikawa yelled back and made his way to the kitchen.

"So Tooru, how do you feel about tomorrow? Are you nervous? Do you think you already know your soulmate?" His older sister asked.

Oikawa never told his family truth about his feelings. He always acted like he was happy or at least calm, even if he wasn't.

"I actually feel great about it! Im not sure who might be my soulmate, but im eager to find out who is it!" He said scratching his neck. He always did that when he was nervous, but only Iwaizumi noticed.

After eating with his family, he went to get ready. It was summer break, but he still had to go to practice. He loved volleyball, but today he was really nervous today and felt no motivation to play. He quickly texted Iwa to ask if he was ready.


You ready?

Let's meet at yours in 5

Two of them went to pratice 5 minutes later. Oikawa was acting really weird today, but Iwa brushed it off saying that's not unusal for Oikawa to be weird.

Iwaizumis birthday was a month ago, but he still couldn't think of anyone who might be his soulmate. He was scared that it would be a girl. Yeah, he tried dating girls before but it never worked for him.

The practice didn't go very well , of course because Oikawa's weird behavior. His tosses weren't perfect like always and Iwa couldn't spike them. They soon went back home, and by home i mean Iwa's house. Both of them are used to hanging out together after practice. They always play some video games or bake, but today Iwa decided to talk with Oikawa.

"Whats the matter shittykawa?" Iwa asked.

"What do you mean Iwa-chan?" Oikawa tried to sound confident, but his voice cracked."Im fi-"He didn't get to finish his sentence because Iwa slapped the back of his head.

"Cut the crap, crappykawa! What is bothering you?"

"My soulmate. I mean- Tomorrow is my birthday and im scared.. what if my soulmate is someone evil?"

"Don't worry so much. First of all I'm sure you'll love your soulmate, second of all it can't be someone bad if they're designed to be with you?" He tried to reassure his best friend, but he was scared about the same thing as him.

"Thanks Iwa!!! What about your soulmate? Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know." The boy responded coldy. Oikawa decided to leave this topic.

"Okay, okay sorry! Lets watch some movies! I'm sleeping over, and you dont have anything to say about it! I dont want to be alone tonight.."

"Thats fine Shittykawa, just text your parents."

"Will do!" Oikawa beamed.

They spent rest of the day watching films and talking about everything and nothing. Oikawa also facetimed Makki and Matsun to hear words of reassurance from them. Soon, they went to sleep because it would be bad if they overslept to Oikawas birthday party. It was supposed to be really big meeting, because he invited his whole team, Karasuno, Fukurodani and Nekoma. He rented a club and bought 70 bottles of vodka. They all planned to get wasted as fuck. They both kinda hoped that tomorrow, they will find theirs soulmates.

Seven emotions. ~ IwaOi.Where stories live. Discover now