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(Disclaimer !! This is how I IMAGINE HIM as drunk . Idk how he rlly  Act drunk okkk??)

(Y'all left @ 7:00)

Me and DD were going to a block party and it wasn't far from ma house .

"Pa ?" I turn to him .

"Yea ?"

"Don't get drunk. No mo than-" he cuts me off .

"I'm good ma heart. I won't get too drunk I promise ,, ok ma ?"

I smile at his words and nod ,, knowing he'll break the promise later .
We arrive at the block party and he immediately walks to his friends ,, and I follow cs ma bsf ain't get here yet .

I hug him as he laughs wit ddot .

"Mama, you straight ?"

I look up at him and nod ,,

"Yea ,, I'm good ."

He looked down at me .

"Ight ma tell me if u need sumin"

I smile when I feel my phone vibrate it was my bsf, I answer the phone . (Ya bsfs name is Aea .)

Me: "Nigga where u been?" I yell over the loud ass music .

Aea: "I'm a block away and watch ya mouth ."

I roll my eyes. "Imma meet you there"

I look up at DD and say ,, "I'mma go meet Aea around the block" he nods and lets me go and me n her go chill fo a bit .

After around 3 hours I start looking for DD,

"Aea u seen DD ?"

She shakes her head no ,,

"Help me look fo him ." She rolls her eyes .

"Ba he ain't my man "

"Mmtch fine foget u ."

After a few mins of looking I find DD,

"Hey ,, pa ."

He turns around to face me, and his eyes are almost fully closed and he got a blunt in his hand .

"Heyyy maaa"

I take the blunt and take a hit from it.

"I'm ready ta leave ."

He smiles real soft and kisses ma forehead .

"Da house is right dere ma heart ."

"Nigga wha ??"

He points to across the street .

"Righttt theree !" I sniff and almost throw up ,, I smell the alcohol .

"How much he had Ddot ?" I ask .

"Almost a hole bottle a Henny n that ."
He says pointing to the blunt in ma hand.

"Mmtch I told ya stupid ass not to get drunk ..."

I take his wrist ,,

"Bae we goin home ."

"Nooo !" I turn to look at him "Wtf was dat goofy ass noise ?" He giggles.

"Mmtch let go of me ma .. I can walk ."
I roll my eyes and we walk home ,, I was in the front he was in the back .

"Damn ma ,," he groans .

"Wha ?" I ask

"You got a fat ass .." I roll my eyes and push him inside ,, making him stumble.

"Sit down on the couch ." He sits down on the couch and I go to da kitchen to get him water and some chips ,, I know this nigga hungry because all he's saying is-

"I want foooooooouod ..."

"Nigga shut up . Here ."

He smiles at the chips and opens his mouth .

"You gone say sumthing ..?" He shakes his head ,,

"Feed mee .." I roll my eyes .

"Bae no . You can eat yourself ."

He gives me a mad look .

"Nigga feed me ..!!"

I roll my eyes and open the bag a chips and feed him ,, as I'm feeding him he pulls my into his lap .

"Mmm .." He says sleepily .

I smile softly and kiss him.
" Mwahhh ."

He says when I pull away .

"Bae ,, can you get me a ... cover ..?"

I nod and get up to get him a cover ,, his voice and as raspy and deep and felt so nice 2 listen 2 . When I come back he is struggling to get the remote that is literally on the table in front of him .

"Oh ... Hiiii"

he giggled with a cute smile and kisses ma forehead when I get over to where he at . "You so pretty ma ,, yk that ? " I giggle,

"Thank you bae .." We go upstairs and cuddle for the night ,, ig I'll yell at him for getting drunk tomorrow ..


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