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My head throbs, battling against the constant urge to snap at anyone who dares to speak to me. Avery's annoyingly chipper voice cuts through the fog of my headache as she remarks, "You're late." Without even looking at her, I mutter, "Yeah, I guess I am." She scurries off towards Conference room B12, leaving me to wrestle with my pounding headache in solitude.

After popping two aspirin pills, I also join my fellow colleagues in the conference room to hear the important news we were all summoned for.

Mrs Guilia Delacroix, our boss, gracefully makes her way into the conference room and the once loud and noisy room turns to one of silence, mimicing the eerie silence that dwells in a cemetery.

"Good morning everyone," Mrs. Guilia Delacroix greets in her sultry French accent, and we all respond with a murmur of acknowledgment. Her presence commands attention, and the once noisy room falls into a hushed reverence.

"As you all know," she continues, her voice carrying authority, "our company has been facing some challenges in the past quarter." She pauses, allowing her words to sink in before she resumes, "But I am pleased to announce that our efforts have not gone unnoticed."

A sense of anticipation fills the room as she delivers the news we've been waiting for. "Our hard work and dedication have paid off. We have secured a major contract with a prominent client," Mrs. Delacroix announces, her words met with a collective sigh of relief and a few subdued cheers.

She goes on to outline the details of the contract, highlighting the opportunities it presents for the company and each of us individually. The mood in the room shifts from apprehension to optimism as we realize the potential for growth and success.

"In light of this achievement," Mrs. Delacroix concludes, "I want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions. Together, we have proven that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle."

As the meeting adjourns, there's a renewed sense of purpose within me, fueled by the knowledge that our hard work has been recognized and rewarded.
Everyone leaves the conference room, leaving me and Mrs Delacroix.

I pack up my notepad and pens and turn to leave when a voice sounds from behind me.
"Miss Autumn.." She addresses me by my first name.
I turn around but stand still.
My heart beats in my chest as it seems like she's analyzing me from the way she's staring.

"Yes ma'am." I respond respectfully with my head bowed.

The tension in the room is so thick it can be cut with a knife.

"I must say, you're a really hard worker. For someone your age. I'm impressed and I'll like to offer you a promotion." She says and I feel the air get knocked out of my body. I blink a few times to prevent myself from choking.

"Ma-Ma’am?" I ask again and she smiles subtly.

"Work as my personal secretary. I'll pay you bountifully." She quirks an eyebrow up and I gulp.

The room feels hot all of a sudden.

"S-sure." I respond with a smile. This is an offer I can't refuse for anything.
She nods and hands me a file.

"Read it and get back to me in two days. You may leave." She smiles subtly again and I take the file.
I try to prevent myself from squealing until I get to the elevator.

My eyes skim through the contract while I sip my tea.

"3.1. In consideration of the services to be performed by the Employee, the Employer shall pay the Employee a salary of €20,000 per month, payable in accordance with the Employer's standard payroll practices."

That's a lot of money.

"Hey, what're you up to?" Lindsay asks as she makes her way out of her bedroom.
She's dressed in a red dress with flats and her lips look redder than usual.

"Nothing much. Just reading a file for work." I don't want to tell her the good news just yet.
"Where are you going?" I ask her after placing the file on the coffee table.
"On a date. With Rowan." She smiles excitedly.

"Ooh." I giggle. Her gaze moves from my face to the file on the coffee table.
"Can I check it out?, You know I love your edits." She smiles and reaches for the file but I block her.
"Um, why don't you just head on out?" I say nervously and I can see the confusion in her eyes.

"Okay?" She says and leaves the apartment.

Just me, myself and I.

As I sit in my cozy apartment, the soft lamp light filling the room, I can't help but think about how my job news fits into my life. With one eye green and the other blue, a quirk from my Egyptian side, I've always felt a bit different, never quite fitting in completely anywhere. But here I am, about to step up in my career, trying to balance acceptance and ambition.

Lindsay's excitement about her date with Rowan reminds me of the ups and downs of relationships, both at work and in our personal lives. While I'm excited about my promotion, I hesitate to tell her, knowing how tough things have been for her lately. Her confusion is understandable, but it adds another layer of complication to our friendship that I'm not sure how to handle just yet.

As I sip my tea, the weight of the contract in my hands feels both exciting and scary. The promise of a big paycheck is tempting, but I can't shake this feeling of uncertainty. Will this promotion really help me reach my goals, or will it just make things more complicated?

The sound of the air conditioner brings me back to reality, and I realize I'm alone again. With a sigh, I start reading through the contract, hoping to understand all the details and make sure I'm making the right choice for myself. In the corporate world, things are never as simple as they seem, so I need to be careful as I move forward.

* The next day. *

I groan and groggily get off the couch. My feet touch the cold tiled floor and I frown. I forgot to turn off the A/C last night.

At least it's Saturday and I don't have to go to work.

I check the time on my phone and it read 5:41AM.
I plob back into the couch and that's when realization hits me.

Lindsay isn't back.

She's obviously having too much fun with her date so I best not bother her.
I close my eyes and drift off to sleep when a loud clatter from outside scares me awake.

It's accompanied by giggles and hushed tones.

It's probably the guy occupying the apartment two doors from mine.
I roll my eyes and try to sleep again but the clatter gets louder and so do the giggles.

My heart begins to unconsciously beat rapidly in my chest and I break out into a cold sweat.
The door handle begins to shake and I remember I didn't lock the door last night.

I close my eyes when the door swings open and two people enter.
"Brown?" Lindsay's familiar voice resonates across the room and I let out a relieved breath.

"Linds?" I reply.

"What're you doing up?" She asks with a blush.
It's there I realize there's someone behind her.

"Hola." The man behind her greets with a wave.
I smile wryly and wave back at him.

My memory from the club is still foggy but I never forget a face.
"Rowan?" I ask and the two share a glance before Lindsay proceeds to speak.

"This is Rowan. We're....going out together." She says and I shrug.
"Congratulations I guess." I smile and pick up my stuff, leaving the two of them to themselves.

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