19. The Ultimate Weapon

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The Nemesis. The Decepticon warship that was used to terrorize the Autobots during the war for Cybertron. That very same warship was now sitting under New York's surrounding water with the Decepticons stuck inside

Megatron had been sitting in the cockpit in the same position he was in when it fell. His optics closed in concentration as he exercised his patience. He'd been stuck down here with his Decepticons for days. And it was wearing thin

He thanked Primus that Starscream wasn't here with them. He didn't know what he'd do

"Lord Megatron. There seems to be something coming closer to our ship"

"It's most likely another Human vessel" He replied, never opening his optics "Leave me be, Shockwave"

"This one is different, it's coming toward us"

Outside of the ship, a jet came closer to the sunken aircraft. The color scheme revealed that it was Blitzwing going toward the Nemesis. Inside of his cockpit, Emeri sat with his arms folded as he drew closer. Using his abilities, he made the ship intangible, so they could get through the ship without damaging it

Slipping through its walls, Blitzwing transformed into his protoform and set the human down. In his hands was a glowing blue orb of metal that he held tightly to his chest. Blitzwing led the way as they traversed the empty halls. It wasn't long until they ran into a few Vehicons with their weapons drawn

"I thought you said they were friendly" Emeri commented

"They will be unless they want to die" He grumbled back, never pausing his stride. When Soundwave met them in the corridor. The mute Cybertronian only motioned for them to follow him before making his way to Megatron's location

"Does this one not speak or something"

"No" Blitzwing replied "And you'd be wise to adopt the trait. I may know you, but you are a stranger here"

Emeri followed the suggestion as he tried to keep up with the giant automatons. A large door slid open after a few turns, standing on the opposite side was Megatron and Shockwave. Megatron had his large hands behind his back in a regal stance while Shockwave's optics were trained on the fleshling

"Blitzwing. I'm surprised to see you" His leader said as he bowed. Reaching over, he used a finger to make Emeri do the same "How did you get in here"

"Through the fleshling named Emeri, Lord Megatron. I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to come to your aid... But I have returned with a way to raise the Nemesis"

"And how do you suggest we proceed?"

"With this" Blitzwing plucked the M.E.C.H. Power source from Emeri's hands and raised it into view "It mimics that of a spark. I think we should be able to use it to bring the ship back online"

Megatron looked at the source of energy and squinted at the device. He could feel the Energon radiating off of it. Whoever created it had access to Cybertronian resources on a planet that wasn't Cybertron. He took the source and handed it to Shockwave

"Repair the Nemesis. We'll have to activate its cloaking before we resurface" He said before walking back toward his seat "After this, we'll search the planet for the remaining Autobots"

Blitzwing hesitated for a moment, he wanted to go after you specifically, but he didn't want to seem Selfish in front of Megatron. But what choice did he have? "Lord Megatron. I request that I go after their scout"

"Do as you please" He waved him off before sitting on his throne "So long as you do not ruin any of our plans you are free to go until further orders"

"Yes, Lord Megatron"

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