Flashback 1 - a discovery.

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"Okay.. so i just received a recording from a deceased combatant. He died to natural causes, blood dusted toilets. But there was something interesting in that footage.. let me show you."





"Ugh, hey 2771, 3672, over here. I think i found something, alot of blood dust growing over here for some reason. Lets get rid of if."

"Alright.. say, when are we gonna finish doing this again?"

"When we find that cameraman that was acting weird that day, remember? But thats not important for now. But maybe he's in here perhaps?"

The 3 cameramen walk inside a building, stepping over blood dust and activating their nightvision mode to see better in the dark.

"Over here, in this part of the area, It must be full to the brim with the blood dust, exterminate it."

They aim their weapons, that being BDE blasters at the blood dust scattered on the ground, walls and ceiling. They adjust something before firing their weapons which creates a huge energy ball that when touched, explodes and disintegrates any surrounding blood dust in a medium-sized radius.

They continue this process for two minutes.

"That should be it i think, though the reason why i havent opened that door yet because it might have infected inside due to the source of the blood dust in this building coming from there. Be cautious, and prepare to fire."

The other cameramen nodded.

As the first cameraman bust open the door, he was immediately greeted by a long vine-like thing that almost hit him but he managed to dodge in time. The vine scattered around for them but quickly retreated back into the room.

The second cameraman aimed inside the room and fired his weapon.


The second cameraman's head was torn clean off by the same vine-like thing. His body collapsed on the ground and started to get consumed by blood dust.



The first and third cameramen aimed their BDE blaster and fired at the infected. Which hit it in the arm, it screeched in pain before turning towards the cameramen.

There, the cameramen got a better look at what the infected was.

There, the cameramen got a better look at what the infected was

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The cameramen continued firing his weapon at the infected. It pounced around dodging the energy balls before pouncing at the cameramen trying to maul them with its claws. The first cameraman rolled to the side and continues firing his weapons. The third cameraman, however. Was mauled to death by the infected.


He fired multiple energy balls at the infected.
He watched as the infected's regenerated limbs start to disintegrate into regular dust. The infected tried to decapitate the remaining cameraman with its vine-like thing that was coming out of its head. The cameraman dodged it and fired a few more shots at the infected.

The infected screamed and fell to the ground in pain before pouncing away with what it had left.

The cameraman approached the room the infected came out of. He cleared out the room of blood dust and before entering, he had to exterminate his former friends, 2771 and 3672

"I'm truly sorry, i should've saved you guys sooner.."

The cameraman took one last look at his deceased friends before entering the room, there was lockers and a few pillars in it. And 2 deceased infected toilets. A mutant and a regular one.

The cameraman found a notebook and a broken pencil on the floor. The notebook had illustrations of multiple things in it. The infected titan of the speakers, a flying toilet with a buzzsaw for a hand and a knife in the other. The g-toilet was illustrated there aswell.

It seemed that the infected cameraman he saw earlier wrote in this notebook, perhaps trying to inform anyone of the things he experienced. He scanned the entirety of the book which took about 13 minutes before sending it to his home base.

He then picked up the book and exited the building.




"And then he sends the notebook back to base and thats how we have this."

The alliance member picks up a book from his desk.

"For some reason this notebook was given to me. I'll analyze it and send it to the superiors for them to update and send reports to everyone in the base. Maybe they should give this guy a memorial."





Skibidi toilet: fall of the alliance VOL. 3Where stories live. Discover now