Chapter 7

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"Any updates?"

"Fortunately, yes. Her memory chip has been restored from backups, but these backups date back to before the blood dust appeared."

"Anything else?"

"No, but we'll try."

"Understood, continue your work."


Plunger TV was browsing what was on his laptop. Either news or just random things. There was nothing for him to do currently, except ignore the potential chaos happening outside the base. They were lucky no infected has survived long enough to tell others that the base they were at had been cleansed of the blood dust. They were adapting though.

Plunger TV walked out of his room and went for his daily routine, something he made before the blood dust appeared.

He noticed Speakerman 2305, who he hadn't seen in a long time. Talking to the cameraman who called himself "Hayden". He still hates that name.
"Hayden" was saying something to 2305 that made him seem invested in something. Plunger TV wanted to interfere but just thought it was another alliance member having a casual conversation with another alliance member. Maybe "Hayden" wasnt that bad?



Location: ∑kibi∆i base 9
Status: taken over by the blood dust.
Cause: blood dust unable to be controlled

The Titan of the speakers crash landed beside the base, it immediately got up and started "shouting" at the toilets, like it was demanding something.
Multiple helicopter toilets flew over to the Titan, attaching an upgraded blaster onto its remaining arm, and attaching an acid cannon to a prothestic before connecting it to where its left arm was supposed to be.

 Multiple helicopter toilets flew over to the Titan, attaching an upgraded blaster onto its remaining arm, and attaching an acid cannon to a prothestic before connecting it to where its left arm was supposed to be

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The Cinemaman, who was following The Titan of the speakers rammed itself into The Titan, detaching its shoulder TVs before doing so.
The Cinemaman used its blade and tried to stab The Titan of the speakers in the neck, but the Speaker Titan pushed The Cinemaman's arm around a bit before eventually hitting the titan's upper body.
The Speaker Titan used its acid cannon and shot acid on the side of The Cinemaman's screen, the acid burnt through the screen and cracked it before damaging the insides. The Cinemaman stepped back and began clutching its head.

The Speaker Titan fired multiple plasma balls at The Cinemaman's core but was slightly knocked to the side by one of its shoulder TVs. The shoulder TV continuously rammed itself into the titan's head before being grabbed and crushed.

The remaining shoulder TV was projecting an orange light on its screen, also known as the fire light. Any infected in it's range were slowly burnt from the inside. The process was greatly interrupted by the shoulder TV being shot to the ground by The Speaker Titan.

The Cinemaman finally got up and boosted itself into The Speaker Titan, but was knocked back by it using all of its speakers on him. Multiple kamikaze toilets started to ram themselves into The Cinemaman. The Speaker Titan charged up its blaster and aimed at The Cinemaman.

The Cinemaman's crave for vengeance caught up to him, and he somehow took the plasma ball from The Speaker Titan like it was nothing and grabbed another one of those "something"s from his pocket, which turned out to be a enlarged BDE grenade, and shoved it into The Speaker Titan's regenerated part of its chest. The Cinemaman kicked The Speaker Titan away and used its jetpack to fly off. Some of the infected toilets took pursuit.

Shortly after, the grenade in The Speaker Titan's chest exploded. Damaging part of its core and seperating it in half.

The damaged Cinemaman arrived to a nearby town, stomping on a few infected when landing. He looked back to see some infected toilets following him.

 He looked back to see some infected toilets following him

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There are Multiple of these kamikazes btw

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There are Multiple of these kamikazes btw

The Cinemaman grabbed an abandoned car and
threw it at one of the kamikaze toilets, causing them to crash into the ground. Another Kamikaze toilet rammed itself into The Cinemaman's jetpack, damaging it slightly.
The Cinemaman used its blade to stab another in the head, before tossing it at another kamikaze.
The Cinemaman felt something on his back, and quickly realized both his shoulder claws were cut off by a buzzsaw toilet. The Cinemaman attempted to use its blade to stab through its head, but it was blocked by the toilet's regenerated hand. The toilet ripped off The Cinemaman's blade before elbowing him in the head, the spikes stabbing through.
The Cinemaman punched the buzzsaw toilet before grabbing its bowl and slamming it on the ground, destroying both its buzzsaw arms but having almost no damage to its regenerated arm and main head. The buzzsaw toilet immediately replaced its buzzsaw arms with actual arms due to its regenerative abilities, before getting a hold of The Cinemaman's head and starting to dig its finger into him.
The Cinemaman grabbed a small abandoned truck from the ground and smacked it against the buzzsaw toilet's head, knocking it aside.
The Cinemaman used its jetpack to boost himself into the buzzsaw toilet before using both of his legs to step on the buzzsaw toilet's arms. The Cinemaman grabbed the buzzsaw toilets head and ripped it out of the bowl.
In a fit of rage, The Cinemaman retrieved its broken blade and attempted to stab it into the corpse's head, but it only dug about 10 inches into the head before breaking.

Shortly after, The Cinemaman realized that the buzzsaw toilet's skin was extremely pale, and the kamikazes were either black, white or normal.
This led to him figuring that the pale toilets were harder to kill. Perhaps an older host for the blood dust, which might explain why it regenerated its missing limbs that quickly.

The Cinemaman didnt want to stay there for long as other infected may arrive, so he used his broken jetpack to fly back to a place that he was instructed to always go to by the superiors of the alliance.

So many infected, so many corpses, so many destroyed buildings and bases. The whole place was like a post-apocalyptic world, which it probably was.

In the alliance base, Speakerman 2305 was about to finish recording his recent entry on a tape.

"Well.. wish me luck.. i guess."

Skibidi toilet: fall of the alliance VOL. 3Where stories live. Discover now