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Alessio is 18 years old

Alessio POV.

My wife is in the hospital right now and giving birth to our baby boy. I won't change the world for them. She is the world to me and she has been there for me since my first year of college. I am in the room with her right now.

"You did this to me" she screamed as she pushed our son out. "But I love you so much and I'm happy to have you in my life" she told me. I love you too, my love," I told her.

I hear crying and I see our baby and we named him Oakley Alessandro Reese. I wish I visited my family more often because I miss them and I cut the cord and kissed my wife's forehead and told her I was going to get food and let my mom know that the baby is born.

It's been a couple days since Oakley was born and my love is not doing so well and I hope she can get better soon. I am going to get some sleep and her heart rate started to go down and the heart monitor is going crazy and I called my mom and told her that her heart rate is dropping and I need you mom right now.

She said she will be there in a few minutes. I hear our son crying and I pick him up and crate him. I went to my wife and held her hand and told her I love her and she needs to fight for me and our son. She mumbled to me, to tell him about me when he gets older and let him know I love him and remember that I love you and him too. It is my time to go, my love. I kissed her head and left the room and cried with Oakley in my arms. I see my mom running to me. I told her she passed away right before you got here. I just broke down in my mom's arms and I fell down on my knees while holding onto Oakley and my mom.

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