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Alessio POV.

That was four years ago today. Oakley had just turned four years old.  We are on our way to a dinner to celebrate his birthday and anniversary of my wife passing. I miss her terribly and I know Oakley will start to ask me about her and he is at school next week and I just don't want him to get bullied by other kids. I will tell him that she is watching over him and is in his heart.

We just arrived at the dinner. I get out of the car and go to the back door to get him and we walk to our table. I sat him down on my lap because I need to hug him and hold him close to me. I ordered our food and drinks. As we are waiting for our food a woman walks to another booth with two women. The woman was tanned and looked smooth. Her eyes are average, the color was a light brown. Her hair looks thick and soft with curly back length and it's dark brown.

Oakley has been taking my time so I don't have time going out or have a day to myself. I'm have been the mother and father to my child for four year and it's been hard but I haven't let him see me down and I just want him know I'm will be there for him when he has a problem.

I didn't even notice the food was placed on the table. I look down at Oakley who is looking at the women I saw walking in. I look over and see why he is looking over there. I see she is looking over and waving at him.  I told him he can go and say hi to her. He slowly got up from my lap and started to walk over there.

I watched him from where I am sitting because I don't trust people because of my mother's work but I love her but she still has to keep me safe from that work but I know how to fight and shoot any guns if I need to shoot people. I see Oakley coming back to me. I see the woman is with him also.

" Hi thanks for making his day today" I spoke to her in a soft tone. " Hello, you're welcome! He is the sweetest boy ever!" She told me while smiling. "Yes he is! He makes me proud every day!" I told her with a smile. " I have a question: where is his mother and you don't have to tell me and also why did you allow him to come over there by himself?" She questioned. " Well his mother died a few days after he was born and I was watching him and I had a feeling you were also watching him and he had two people looking out for him and I would never leave him unsupervised in his life" I told her. "Oh" she said and then turned around and walked back to her table.

Oakley and I started to eat our food and drink our drinks. Afterwards we left and headed to a  bakery to buy three cupcakes. Then we went to the graveyard where his mother is buried at. We sat on the ground and ate our cupcakes and spit the third one in half and ate it and we sat there for a couple hours. I think when will he ask me about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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