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Hermione was woken by sunlight tickling her face. For a short moment, she could not remember where she was, the blue walls of the bedroom seemed totally foreign to her. But then her neck was tickled by someone breathing behind her and she became aware of the strong set of arms that had snaked around her waist from behind and held her close. And suddenly she remembered. This was Fred's room, Fred's bed - Fred Weasley who also happened to be her husband. Huh, a day ago the thought of waking up in Fred Weasley's bed would have worried her, even though she had known for some weeks that he would be her husband, thanks to the Ministry's machinations. Now? She wasn't even worried much. Cuddling with him actually felt really nice, when she thought about it, and the evening yesterday had been way more entertaining and intellectually stimulating than she had ever dreamed possible.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes and relaxed in his arms. They could stay in bed a while longer, she thought. It was still early and it was only fair to let her husband sleep. It wasn't like they had anything to do today, with the week-long "honeymoon" they had been granted by the Ministry for their marriage. They said the time was to be used to get to know one's new spouse, and even though Hermione had known Fred  since she was eleven, they never had been close. Fred had always been Ron's brother to her, no less and no more. She supposed it was only fair to be granted a week off from work if they had to seal their marriage after only seven days.

"Morning sunshine," Fred's sleepy voice mumbled behind her before his arms slowly let go of her. "Sleep well?"

Hermione nodded. "I hope I didn't wake you. I'm used to getting up pretty early, sorry."

"No need to apologize, love," her husband replied and Hermione could feel him shift behind her, moving out of bed. "Leaves more time for adventure, doesn't it?"

"Adventure?" Hermione asked uneasily. Hopefully, he would not want to take her flying, or something equally nauseating. "What did you have in mind?"

"Whatever makes both of us happy," her husband replied, smiling at her before opening the door with an amused chuckle. "We'll start making plans over breakfast. Pancakes?"

"Sounds great," Hermione mumbled, while her gaze followed her husband out of the room. Somehow, the idea of kissing him suddenly popped up in her head, and it didn't have anything to do with the man's pyjama-clad backside that disappeared through the door. Kissing Fred had been nice, more than nice , Hermione thought and thanks to their established rule, she could repeat that experience whenever she liked. But only once a day - no, twice . Should she spend her daily kiss for a good-morning kiss? Or should she save it for later, when a better chance arose? Hermione could not decide so she told herself to be spontaneous about it. This was Fred Weasley, after all, she doubted he was planning ahead for kissing her. He'd probably just snog her when he felt like it, and Hermione decided that she'd do the same - after she was dressed.


Fred was actually a decent cook, Hermione realized while savouring the pancakes he had prepared. They had sat down at the small kitchen table, Fred still in his boxers and a T-shirt, while Hermione had hastily showered and put on jeans and a thin sweater.

"So..." Hermione said after taking the first few bites, licking her lips clean from the syrup. "What did you have in mind for this next week?"

Fred looked at her with a smile. "We could travel for a bit if that is something you would like. Or how about you show me a place you really like and I'll do the same in return?"

Hermione considered this for a moment. It actually wasn't such a bad idea. "It is worth a try, especially as it would really help to get to know each other. But... I'd really like to avoid flying if that is possible."

The redhead smiled. "Don't worry, love. There are way more interesting places than a Quidditch pitch. I swear we'll keep our feet on the ground. Apart from that: how about you go first? You can pick any place or activity. I am a very adventurous guy," he stated, smiling suggestively.

She felt her cheeks reddening, even though she told herself that hadn't been what he was referring to. Or maybe it was? Gah, she needed to get her thoughts out of the gutter, they would cross that bridge soon enough and until then she had a destination for a short trip to come up with. And that was easier said than done.

In the end, she decided to drag Fred to a cinema, thinking that he might enjoy the introduction to muggle films. She half-expected him to have seen one already, as he and his brother were known to be curious to boot, but when they stopped in front of the cinema, Fred looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"A theatre?" he asked, his voice neutral.

Hermione shook her head. "Not really, even though that is probably the closest comparison. You'll see."

Hermione picked an action movie, thinking that this probably was what they would both enjoy. She didn't want to bore Fred with one of the romantic movies that were on offer, not knowing what he thought about those. But the Matrix seemed interesting enough and even though she felt herself flinch now and then throughout the film she could tell that Fred was completely taken, staring at the big screen in front of them in fascination. More and more she found herself watching him instead of the movie; his facial expressions and the almost childish giddiness he radiated was something she did not get tired watching. She was surprised when the movie was finally over, Fred turning towards her with a wide grin.

"That was brilliant!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "How come I wasn't even aware of these cinemas existing?"

Hermione shrugged. "Well, maybe you never dated a Muggle or muggle-born before? Cinemas are a very popular location for a date."

"A date, huh?" Fred suddenly asked, his grin widening. "Is that what this is?"

Hermione shrugged. "I suppose so. I mean, we are married so I guess there's nothing wrong with..."

She didn't get any further, as she was suddenly silenced by his lips. His hand snaked around her neck and pulled her close, while he leaned towards her in his seat. She hadn't expected him to kiss her at that moment, her mouth falling open in surprise. Then there was suddenly his tongue, dancing around hers happily and leaving her no chance but to kiss him back with equal enthusiasm. He tasted like popcorn, she registered absentmindedly, before she was distracted by his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking her ever so gently. His touch felt like heaven, much better than what she had experienced with Viktor or Ron. Fred's kisses made her body sing and her heart pound heavily in her chest, while her belly was all in flutters. That had to be a good sign, right?

"Now, this is a proper date," her husband murmured, after he had ended the kiss way too soon. "Every date should at least have one good kiss, don't you think?" he asked, his eyes twinkling.

Hermione blinked. "I guess so," she admitted awkwardly. "But I would not know. I have never actually been on a date, Fred."

Suddenly Fred's eyes were fixed on her with an intensity that made her feel exposed. "You've never been on a date," he repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

She shook her head embarrassedly. "Not really, no."

At that, Fred smiled. "Well, if this is your first date, we need to make it a special one. Come on, love. I know just the right place for that."

Suddenly her hand was in his, pulling her forward and out of the cinema. Hermione followed him with quick steps, her head already mulling over the question where he would take her. She couldn't wait to find out.

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