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Hermione could not have wished for a more perfect first date. Even though she had first been sceptical about the London Eye it really had not been so bad, maybe because she didn't have much time to think about the heights she was in as Fred had successfully distracted her.

When they finally were back on the ground, they had taken a stroll along the Thames, eating ice cream while holding hands. It was almost like they were a real couple, like going out together had been their choice and not the result of the ministry's meddling. On the other hand... maybe it was their choice? She could well imagine that some of the ministry-made couples did not even try to get to know each other better. But she could not imagine leading a life next to each other without leading it together, it would mean leading a lonely life - which she was not ready to do. After they had finally lived through the war Hermione found she deserved a little happiness and Fred did too. Was it so unlikely that they could find this happiness together?

"Thank you for this wonderful date," Hermione murmured just as Fred led her to a quiet corner of Hyde Park, planning to apparate them back home. "I really enjoyed myself, Fred."

"So did I," he said, pulling her close. Hermione found herself gravitating towards him, her lips seeking him out before she realized what she was doing, but Fred welcomed her with a happy smile. "Luckily for us, this evening does not have to end, if we don't want it to. We have all week, you know?"

His lips found her then, kissing her oh so sweetly while his fingers ran through her hair, before coming to rest against her neck. Merlin, it was so easy to get lost in those kisses, get lost in him but how much longer until she would forget that this had not been his choice, or hers? 

"And it is our honeymoon, after all," Fred murmured, breaking their kiss with a gentle smile. "Fancy continuing this on the sofa?"

Hermione nodded mutely, as words somehow would not come to her. Fred did not seem to mind though, as his arms closed around her back a moment later, whisking them away without forewarning,  right into their living room. There she landed with a surprised gasp, Fred chuckling as he pushed her backwards, right towards the sofa. She squeaked in surprise as her knees connected with the seat a moment later, making her lose the balance, but Fred caught her around the waist and lowered her gently, before he sat down right next to her, resuming their kiss as if nothing had happened. It took her a moment to let go and relax, but when she did she felt him smile against her mouth, while his brown eyes looked at her with something like adoration. Even though she was probably just imagining things she could not help her heart melting in her chest, hope and tenderness blooming where days ago had only been doubt and uncertainty. Maybe things between her and Fred would truly work out. Would kissing him feel so good if there wasn't at least a little bit of affection and chemistry? Would he look at her like that, if he didn't feel something for her?

'Because I definitely feel something,' Hermione thought while she ran her fingers through his short red hair, relishing in the soft feeling of it. 'I just don't know if this scares or excites me.'


Things were actually going pretty nicely, Fred mused as he stretched out on the mattress next to Hermione, his wife. It still sounded strange to call her that but all in all he got used to the idea of them together, and he did not just mean bedding her. He always knew he'd have no objections to the latter, as the witches' petite body had always had its appeal to him. He had always thought Hermione would never be interested in a bloke like him, as far as he could tell she had never looked at him twice.

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