The Hospital

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Izuku slowly opened his eyes and examined the ceiling of the room he was in. He heard the beeping if machines, heard footsteps outside, smelled the room. He was in the hospital, but why? What happened? It was then his head began to hurt. He quickly sat up and grabbed his head as the memories came back. Blood, broken bones, holding friends, death. They all came flooding into his head. In an instant it became too much to bear, so he screamed. He kept screaming even after a team of nurses rushed in to check on him. It wouldn't be until he was restrained and several doctors had entered that he stopped.

Doctor: "Midoriya! It's okay, you're safe!"

Izuku overpowered the nurses holding him down and leapt out of his hospital bed.

Izuku: "Uraraka. Kacchan. Where are they!?"

He ran into the hallway and in a random direction. He eventually made his way into the waiting room, where he saw three familiar faces. His mother Inko, husband mentor All Might, who was in his muscle form, and Bakugo's mother, Mitsuki. He ran straight over to them.

Izuku: "All Might!"

Inko: "Izuku!?"

All Might: "Young Midoriya!? Why are you up!?"

Izuku payed no attention to the question.

Izuku: "Where are the others! Are they okay!? What about Uraraka and Kacchan!?"

All Might kneeled down and out his hands on Izuku's shoulders.

All Might: "Young Midoriya. I will tell you, but you must rest first. I promise we are doing our best. I'll visit in a few days to explain what I can."

Izuku felt several hands wrap around him.

Izuku: "W-wait! No!"

All Might let go of him and let the doctors take him back to his room. As he watched the doctors round a corner, he thought back to the previous day.


29 Hours Ago...

It had been two days since the attack on the USJ. All Might was standing in an empty examination room in the hospital with a friend, Detective Tsukauchi. The detective placed 10 files on the desk.

All Might: "Are these?"

Tsukauchi nodded silently, a deep frown on his face.

Tsukauchi: "The survivors, though there's only seven. One is for that monster we found at the scene and the other two, are for the two Midoriya was found sitting over."

All Might remembered seeing the beast Tsukauchi was talking about. It was taller than him and had a hulking frame. It's brain was exposed and had a beak-like mouth. Though it had a hole in it's chest and one through it's brain, both of which were most likely from the students. He looked over the files and read their names out loud.

All Might: "Izuku Midoriya, Toru Hagakure, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Ejirou Kirishima, Mina Ashido, and Tsuyu Asui."

He then looked at Uraraka and Bakugo's files.

All Might: "Why these two?"

Tsukauchi: "Open them and read the quirk sections."

All Might did as Tsukauchi said.

All Might: "'While previously stated and proven to have quirks, mandatory genetic sequencing revealed the absence of the quirk gene.' But how?"

Tsukauchi looked at All Might with a knowing look.

Tsukauchi: "You know how. Only one man has the ability to do that."

All Might clenched his fists.

All Might: "All For One. Of course he would survive a blow like that."

Tsukauchi nodded and handed him the file on the monster.

Tsukauchi: "We don't know what it is, but this thing also had multiple quirks. The doctors couldn't pin them down but we do know there were multiple."

All Might read the file for a few moments before setting it down.

All Might: "Damn it."

He looked to the ceiling, took in a deep breath, and sighed.

All Might: "Can I at least visit the students?"

Tsukauchi shook his head.

Tsukauchi: "Not all of them. Just Midoriya and Kirishima."

All Might looked at him confused.

All Might: "Why?"

Tsukauchi gestured to the survivors' files and All Might began to read them as Tsukauchi talked.

Tsukauchi: "The last nurse to tend to Yaoyorozu without full protection ended up being sent to ICU for severe malnutrition. Being near either Hagakure or Todoroki for too long will give you heat stroke. Asui's body is currently covered in a paralyzing mucus. Finally, Ashido's Acid is out of control, actively lunging at anyone who gets too close."

All Might: "I see. So their quirks are acting on overdrive. They're still in crisis mode. But even then, these are extremely odd for them."

Tsukauchi nodded.

Tsukauchi: "Exactly. The doctors have come up with a theory that, being honest? Makes sense."

All Might put down the files.

All Might: "And that is?"

Tsukauchi: "Quirk Awakening. As you know, a quirk awakening is when an individual's quirk evolves in seconds, it gets stronger or changes in some way. It usually only happens after years of daily usage, but in the face of certain death, anything is possible."

All Might: "So what you're saying is..."

Tsukauchi: "Your students have undergone a process most wouldn't even dream of attaining. In the face of death they forced themselves to evolve in order to survive. This may come off as too optimistic for this situation, but these surviving seven took UA's motto and made it into reality. They went far beyond Plus Ultra to survive."

All Might: "But they shouldn't have had to. I should have been there."

Tsukauchi sighed and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Tsukauchi: "All Might. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on teaching them. They're going to wake up with new abilities they don't know how to use. Help them get through this."

He let go of All Might and walked out of the room.



All Might: "I will not fail you again."

He then walked further into the hospital. His students needed him.

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