The Parents

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It had been nearly a month since the USJ attack and the deaths of most of 1-A. UA had been closed for that month, letting students stay home as the staff both beefed up security and investigated how the villains had been able to break in. This day however, would not be spent doing either. Instead it would be spent with the parents of both the deceased and still living students.

All Might in his small form and Nezu stood in a meeting room, the parents sitting at the seats as the two staff members stood at the front of the room. The tension in the room was so thick that even All Might's weaker form could cut it with a butter knife.

Nezu: "I... I will admit that I did not expect any of you to come today. Those of you whose children are.... no longer with us, please know that every hero in the country is currently hunting these villains with everything they have."

No one responded. Whether they were too angry to respond or too full of grief wasn't clear. Even Endeavor's flames seemed to be significantly dimmed.

Nezu: "I, as well as this man, Toshinori Yagi, have salvaged what we could of the USJ's security system as well as your children's costume gear."

All Might: "We... understand if you wish to leave here and no-"

???: "No."

All Might and Nezu looked up to see a man with brown hair, Ochaco Uraraka's father, tears flowing from his eyes.

Mr. Uraraka: "Our kids wanted to be heroes. Please, let us see them in action.... just this once."

All Might nodded and looked around at the others, who nodded in agreement.

Nezu pressed a button on a remote, turning on a projector. The first feed to appear was the inferno zone where Ojiro was sent alone. His parents could be heard crying quietly. Ojiro appeared on screen fighting several villains. He was holding his own, leaping from thug to thug, using his tail, hands, and feet to keep them at bay. That was until one got their hands on his tail. The villain pulled Ojiro to the ground and stomped on his stomach. Ojiro immediately got back up but it was clear something was wrong. He held his stomach and winced with every moment. It was only a couple seconds until he stopped and coughed up a mass of blood. The camera feed then cut.

Nezu: "Unfortunately, at nine fifteen, all cameras stopped recording. We... don't know why."

He pressed the button again, showing the next zone, the mountain zone. Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Jirou were surrounded. Yaoyorozu and Jirou used weapons while Kaminari charged at the villains with his quirk active. They quickly cleared the villains, but it was then that Kaminari was grabbed by the head by a villain who absorbed his electricity. His parents gasped.

In response both Kaminari and Jirou began blasting the man with all of their might, but it did nothing. Though the audio was broken, it was clear both were yelling something at Yaoyorozu, who was frozen in fear. After a few seconds, she seemed to shake the fear off before pulling her chest apart to make as much room for her creation as possible. The camera then cut off before the creation could be finished.

Both the Kaminari and Jirou families jumped out of their seats.

Mr. Kaminari: "What happened next!?"

Mrs. Jirou: "Please tell us!"

All Might answered.

All Might: "I'm sorry. Only Young Yaoyorozu knows the answer to that. She may share the story, but only when she's ready. Nezu, if you would."

Nezu nodded and switched to the next video, it was of the entrance where half of the class had been left. Unfortunately, there wasn't any footage of the class as they were all covered by a purple mist. When it faded, only Mina Ashido was left standing, the man who made the mist seemed to be retreating and dissappeared just before her acid, which was moving on it's own, could reach him. She fell backwards unconscious as the feed cut off. The Ashido family all huddled together.

All Might: "Unfortunately, there were no other camera feeds we could salvage. The system was too damaged to even get corrupted data."

Nezu: "It sickens me that these villains were able to squeeze past our defenses."

Endeavor then stepped forward.

Endeavor: "Stop wasting our time. We all know what happened!"

He crossed his arms.

Endeavor: "The only reason these villains attacked was because All Might was allowed to teach here and it was his negligence that led to these deaths!"

The Uraraka and Jirou families both stood up.

Mr. Uraraka: "You don't know that! This is UA, there's always a risk when you're at the top school!"

Mr. Jirou: "Yeah! Our kids did their best in a situation UA couldn't have predicted!"

Endeavor scoffed.

Endeavor: "Oh please. Just ask the rodent."

The whole room turned to look at Mezu who cleared his throat and pressed the remote, showing a picture of the deceased creature.

Nezu: "Unfortunately, Endeavor is correct. This creature that we've come to know as Nomu, was specifically designed to counter All Might. Though I will say this, both of you are correct."

He looked at the Jirous and Urarakas.

Nezu: "Your children fought to the end and gave everything they could to defeat this beast. And they did. Don't let this leave your lips but Nomu held two quirks that we just recently pinned down, Super Regeneration and Shock Absorption. His strength supposedly rivaled All Might even without a power enhancing quirk. This leads me to my next point."

He clicked the remote again, showing the pictures of the survivors, Izuku, Tsu, Toru, Todoroki, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Ashido. Their school ID pictures all lined up next to each other and All Might's picture was shown above them.

Nezu: "To those who's children survived, I ask you this. Please, allow your children to continue learning here at UA. All of you already know what's happening to them at this moment. Their quirks are evolving, becoming stronger than before."

Before he could continue, a single parent stood up. A mother with dark green hair and tears flowing from her eyes, Inko Midoriya.

Inko: "And who do you think you are to ask us this? Our children almost died! Why!? Why should they stay here!? Letting them stay just to be killed woukd make us horrible parents!"

Nezu simply remained quiet to let her finish talking but spoke up when she was done.

Nezu: "I implore you to allow this because I believe in them. All Might is over fifty years old, soon his age will catch up to him. I refuse to stand by as these villains get stronger and stronger while our symbol of peace fades into retirement. Your children, right now, are amongst the strongest in this country. If they learn to hone their skills with their strengthened powers, I wholeheartedly believe that by the time they graduate, we will no longer need All Might."

Nezu out the remote down, got down on his hands and knees, and bowed as deeply as possible.

Nezu: "Please, allow the remnants of Class 1-A to become Japan's shining lights of hope. I beg of you."

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