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The gladers ran into the room to avoid being forcefully shoved in,"Get your asses in there! All of you!" The guard that was holding the door shouted to them all.

The door shut behind them as they all turned to face Thomas. "What the hell was that about?" Minho spoke clearly, angry.

"You didn't really think they'd let you through, did you?" Newt spoke his voice laced with irritation.

Thomas reached into his back pocket, shaking his head,"No, of course not." He pulled out the guards' keycard. "Im going to find out what's on the other side of that door."

The boys shook their heads, and Newt looked at him in disbelief,"Right."

"Newt, they're hiding something okay? These people are not who they say they are." Thomas made his way towards his bed.

"No, Thomas, you dont know that!" Newt raised his voice, getting more angry with him by the second,"The only thing we do know is that they helped rescue us from Wicked. They gave us new clothes, food a proper bed."

The other boys were behind or next to Newt,"Some of us haven't had a long time."

"Yeah, but -" Thomas tried to cut in, but Newt cut him off again.

"Some of us a lot longer than others." They stared at each other before their attention was brought to noise of the vent rattling and sliding across the room as it came off.

Aris popped out from underneath the bed,"Hey Thomas."

"What the.." Fry spoke, leaning down so he could see where he had come from.

"Who is this kid?" Minho asked, looking to Newt.

"You got it, didn't you?" Thomas held up the keycard, showing it to Aris before shoving it back in his pocket.

"Yeah, let's go." He made his way to the bed, getting ready to crawl underneath it,"Look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe im just being paranoid. But i got to find out for sure."

Thomas looked around at the boys who had crouched down around him. "Just cover for me. I'll be back as soon as i can."

He slipped under the bed and into the vents, Fry looked up at Minho, and Newt rubbed his chin as both him and Winston looked towards the door, hoping the guards wouldn't burst through.

Aris carefully opened the vent, leaving it to hang at its hinges as Thomas lowered himself down and dropped down to the floor. With Aris following after him and grabbing the vent, swinging it shut.

Thomas checked down the corridors, seeing it was clear before meeting Aris at the door. He used to keycard to open up the door, and they walked into a small room.

Lab coats were on hooks everywhere, and in a small window, it showed another room where creatures were being harvested.

"Grievers." Thomas mumbles, looking through the window.

They continue to another set of doors. They slide open to reveal a much larger room. On each side of a walkway were teens set up by wires. They're all unconcious.

Thomas and Aris walked along, inspecting each kid they came across. The kids were attached to wires, and they were hung up, and some blue liquid was filling up a small tube.

Up ahead, Thomas saw a girl with dark hair covering her face. He ran over to her,"Teresa?"

He looked her up and down, bringing his hand up to her face and brushing the hair out of her face. His lips turned into a small frown, and seeing it was not her but someone else.

"It's Rachel." Aris whispers, looking at the girl once he had made his way next to him,"They took her the first night... I told her it would be okay."

Thomas looked at Aris, feeling sorry for him. Here, he was glad it wasn't Teresa when all these kids were friends to someone in this place.

The doors start sliding open, taking them out of their daze. They rush to hide both of them, hiding behind two separate pillars.

"Are you sure this can't wait?" Janson asks, sounding annoyed as he walks down the walkway with his assistant.

"She was very specific, sir.." The assistant says, fiddling with an ipad."She wanted to speak with you personally."

"As if i dont have enough to deal with." Janson says, rolling his eyes.

"Just bear with me. We're getting some interference with the storm."

"Come on, it's good enough! Make the connection!" Janson says, sounding impatient now.

A screen showed up making a beeping noise before showing a woman with blonde hair in a tight bun, her white clothes crisp and clean. Ava paige. But Thomas was sure she was dead.

"Good evening, Doctor paige. Lovely to see you again, but i must admit, i wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon." Janson says, looking at her.

"Change of plans, Janson. I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected. First thing tomorrow, " Paige says, standing up from her desk.

"Oh well, delighted to have you. I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made." Janson gestures to his assistant that puts scans of a brain on the screen. "As you can see, early results have been promising. Whatever you've been doing to them in there its working."

"Not well enough. I just received board approval. I want the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time i arrive, including my children." Paige says, glancing at the scans.

"Dr. Paige, we're going as fast as we can. We are still running tests -"

"Try something faster!" Paige interrupts him. "Until i can guarantee their security, this is the best plan."

"Ma'am. Security is my job. We're on a 24-hour lock down here, im assuring you that your assets are secure." Janson says.

"Have you found the right arm?" Paige asks.

Janson pauses. "Not yet. We've tracked them as far as the mountains-"

"So they're still out there?" Paige interrupts. "And they've already hit two of our installations."

"They want these kids as badly as we do. And i CANNOT!" She pauses, taking a second to recuperate herself. "I can not afford another loss. Not now when i am so close to a cure. If you are not up to the task, i will find someone who is."

"That won't be necessary." Janson says. "But i suggest we start with the most recent arrivals."

Paige nods,"Just get it done!"

Janson nods,"And what do you suggest we do about Jade? She's been acting out a lot. You dont think she could remember, could you?"

"Give her the memory wipe again anyway, we dont need her remembering about her and subject A5 being twins."

"Jade.." Aris whispers to himself, worried about the girl.

"Got it ." Janson turns to walk away.


He turns back to her.

"I dont want them to feel any pain."

"They won't feel a thing." Janson says with a smirk.

The assistant gets rid of the screen as the two walk out the room, the doors sliding closed after them.

Thomas had heavy breathing as he realised that Janson was talking about the gladers, and he knew he had to get to them before he did.

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