2 | Hohoho~

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3rd Person POV: Cullens Lunch Table

"How was it? How was he?!" Alice asked with a giddy smile as she and the rest of their family sat at their designated lunch table.

With her question in the air, almost every Cullen fell silent and looked at Rosalie, well, all but Edward who was staring at another student and his mate, Isabella Swan.

"Fine," Rosalie replied bluntly causing Alice's brows to furrow as she pouted.

"Rose! Tell me please!" Alice begged playfully and while the rest of the Cullens also wanted to know, they also knew that they wouldn't need to beg her for answers, Alice had that handled.

Rosalie offered no response, or at least she didn't until he saw the pout on Alice's face deepen, she knew how the pixie acted when she didn't get her way with things like this and with the current state of mind Rosalie had, she didn't want to deal with it.

"He is... cute," Rosalie said with a mix of her usual apathetic nature and pure coldness, she didn't want to let herself feel anything from the boy not that it would be possible, soul mates aren't just something one can ignore on will, not after meeting even if briefly.

"I already know that! Tell me something new!" Alice pouted again but this time Emmett let out a hearty chuckle which earned him a cute pouty look from Alice, his sister.

With a small sigh, Rosalie gave in to Alice and began speaking "He smells like chocolate chip cookies." Rosalie said before moving to the next thing she knew, something that Jamie hadn't wanted other people to know.

"Oh my god! Tell me about the texts!" Alice shouted excitedly after Rosalie had finished saying a few things and due to her knowing how this would go if she didn't comply with the girl, she did as asked, after all, out of all of her family, Alice was the one closest to her.

Rosalie began retelling everything she had read and by the end, each of the Cullens were either laughing or had a thoughtful expression on their faces.

"That person was probably his girl best friend," Alice said with a serious tone and expression on her cute little face.

"Oh...?" Rosalie replied not sure how to respond to that, she didn't understand why Alice looked serious.

"Don't you get it? Girl best friends are a HUGE red flag, Rose! Your mate's hot! That girl definitely has feelings for him!" Alice said expressing her feelings which caused Rosalie to narrow her eyes at Alice and Jasper to be hit with a pang of jealousy which Alice caught onto and quickly tried fixing.

"I don't care. It has nothing to do with me," Rosalie said bluntly, she didn't care about this supposed girl best friend.

"Sure you don't." Edward scoffed knowing that if Bella had some male best friend he'd be both wary and jealous but before Rosalie could shoot back at him for his sly remark, Emmet spoke.

"So is anyone gonna talk about the monster in his pants comment? I don't know about you guys but that implies she's seen it and that further implies other things..." Emmett said bringing more questionable thoughts to Rosalie who was already trying to not think about Jamie and everything involving him.

"I'm done talking about this," Rosalie said with a tone that allowed no further discussion on the matter.

The Cullens, while ignoring the looks they got from the entire student body, continued doing as they did at their lunch table before the scent of chocolate chip cookies filled their nose, for the first time ever, none of the vampires present wanted to drink from a human who smelt delectable, they just wanted to smell him because he simply smelt really good.

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