19 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ love conquers all

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌒 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I look at you.
I'm ready for war.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌒 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Paul's gaze remains locked on the small statue of a bullfighter and the charging beast that barrels into the tarp, frozen in time.

(Y/N) lays on his bed, her hair a mess from being ruffled by her hand, and her expression so peaceful that it almost makes him smile every time he looks back.

Her body is completely relaxed, covered by the blanket her husband carefully laid over her after getting a much-needed massage to her aching and stiff shoulders.

To her, he's a miracle worker for possessing the ability to be so gentle yet firm with his hands. An angel in her eyes.

Someone opens the door, and he breaks out of his trance to see Dr. Yueh. He carries a small tray, setting it down as it contains a glass of water and a sleeping pill.

"Have a good night, Master Paul," he says.

"Good night, Dr. Yueh," Paul replies, making him pause for the briefest of moments before the physician closes the door behind him.

His gaze flits to his sleeping wife, noticing how she's uncovered herself again from shifting in her sleep. He stares at the figurine for a while longer before sighing as he stands.

Quietly making his way to his bed, he crouches down besides his wife, his hand brushing a strand of hair out of her face. He whispers her name, checking to see if she's fully asleep, and she seems to be, given the fact that the blanket is leaving marks on her cheek.

That's how you know you're getting some good sleep.

Paul chuckles softly at the sight, looking back at the small tray and makes a decision. Carefully taking a seat and lying down beside his wife once the lights are off, he makes sure not to bump into her. 

Instead, he carefully wraps his arms around her, bringing his wife to his chest in a possessive and protective hold. She shifts, her arm draped over his chest and her hand near the side of his neck, her face buried in his neck, which makes his heart skip a beat.

Ever since the hunter-seeker tried to harm her and the near-death experience with a sandworm, he's been on edge and more protective. She might just be his wife because of familial decisions, but she's still his.

And he's making damn sure that they're staying alive, together or not.

He looks down, watching her get comfortable and carefully brings the covers over both of them. A soft expression looms over his face as he rests his head on hers, keeping his other hand on her arm, holding her wrist as his thumb strokes the underside of it.

Unknown to him as he falls asleep, his wife is awake, and a smile spreads on (Y/N)'s face.

Somewhere in the other rooms, another couple tries to fall asleep, and Jessica tries to coax Leto into lying back down.

"You need to sleep," she softly says, untucking herself from the covers and moving to grab the sleeping pills Dr. Yueh gave them.

"No." Leto says as he looks at her, stopping her hand in time. "Not like that."

Eventually, he lies down after making a decision, laying his head in her lap with a deep sigh as she holds the sides of his face. His hand reaches up to caress her cheek as she runs her thumbs along his forehead in a subtle massage.

"I should have married you," he murmurs, watching the love of his life with gentle eyes, knowing she's not his.

But at least his son has his own.

And he'll love her like his father does his mother.

Married by choice or not.


I'm gonna melt; I love these interactions and the PARALLELS!!!!

Anyways, I'll be updating my Wonka story soon, so look out for it!!

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