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I made sure I could stand up myself, dusting myself off in the process. I moved towards the woman. I stumbled a bit because of my injured knee.

"Are you all right?" I asked her and held my hand out toward her. She looked slightly scared. She gulped and took my hand, but she fell back down just as she wanted to get up. She looked shocked, her eyes growing. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates. Her eyes were locked on something behind me.

I heard a loud and hard THUMP behind me. I knew very well that this woman resembled a goldfish, her mouth gaping open and closing. But I also knew this was the asshole that yanked me onto this roof. Slowly, I turned around and saw a brownish chest. A chest plate. Wait... what?

I took a step back and looked up at his hazel-emerald eyes. My eyes widened at what I saw in front of me. A big...turtle? With burly, muscular arms and bands of cloth wrapped around his arms and biceps. Along with the multiple scars. He also wore a red bandana with a faded white Japanese character on it. He wore the mask like a do-rag. He also has a scar across his lips on the right side of his face. He also has a big tattoo-like scar on his right shoulder. This turtle man was ripped, most definitely. And he wore odd-looking pants with leather straps across his chest. Straps were also around his bare feet and hands.

This turtle man looked me up and down and diverted his attention to the woman behind me.

"Give me the camera." He said it over a snarl and tried to mimic a voice. Deeper than the Brooklyn accent I heard earlier.

"Oh, look. He is doing his "Batman" voice." I heard someone snort from behind him. Someone mocked him.

"They're so hot, I can feel my shell tightening," an excited, higher-pitched voice came from behind this turtle man.

"Excuse me, say that to my face; why don't ya?" I snapped and tried to look past this burly turtle man. It was quiet from their side.

The turtle man then rolled his eyes and looked over his shoulder. He was annoyed by whoever made that comment.

"We can hear you," he growled to the high-pitched, excited voice.

I stood ready to defend myself and this woman. I then stumbled in front of her and said to the burly turtle man.

"Hey, pick on somebody your own size; you Batman wannabee," I said proudly with sass, and the woman clutched my hand and stood up slowly. One thing about me is that I despise people who lie and bully other people. The turtle man in front of me was shocked. He couldn't believe this short stack of a woman stood in front of him and insulted him.

I tensed more when he locked his eyes on me. He stared deeply into my eyes. I felt my heart race and thump harder in my chest, but I hadn't lost my composure. I am not going to back down to this asshole. 'Why was my heart jumping out of my chest?'

He started twirling his salad tongs in his hands and looked me up and down. He was sizing me up.

"Ya, sure? I can take ya," the turtle man smirked towards me.

I then smirked back and took the plastic bottle out of my denim pocket. I threw this on the ground in between us. I then lit a match (I have a habit of placing a matchstick behind my ear) and dropped it onto the liquid. The liquid went up in flames. It was turpentine. A chemical I use to make paint dry faster. Especially oil paints.

"You sound more like a constipated version of Tony Stark without the Iron Man suit. Leave DC and go back to Marvel; why don't ya?" I moved towards the woman, and I told her to run. I stumbled. My own two stupid left feet are holding me back.

Through An Artist's Eyes - Book 1 - Raphael x OC x LeonardoWhere stories live. Discover now