Chapter 8: The Future of the earth (Final Chapter)

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Some planes take off from the battlecarriers, and the axis side aircrafts from Tsenanta and Shinano take off and the Orochi.

Zipang: "This battle will decide the fate of the world."

Dainippon: "It seems so."

The first waves of Allied bombers appeared.

Tsenanta: "Keep anti-aircraft guns on High Alert."

The rest of the fleet: "Will do"

In the skies, bullets hail from planes:

As both fleets get closer to each other, the first salvos are fired, and some bombers.

Take off the skies, and fighters intercepted them, shooting down some of the bombers, and the next wave rains on the Japanese fleet

???: "Are planes have been all exhausted with some shot down? we need a few hours to get another air back"

???: "That's fine. You guys will engage them at far, but close range to chip in some damage"

???: "All right, chap, we better get this show on these high seas."

Both of the fleet charges toward each other

Zipang: "I'm picking up something on my range finder."

Yamato: "What is it?"

Zipang: "There seems to be 2 super ships and 4 battlecarriers."

Dainippon: "So what's the plan?"

Tsenanta: "The plan is that Yamato, Musashi, and Shinano sink the battlecarriers"

Yamato: "All right then."

Yamato and Musashi Aim there Main turrets as new squadron is preparing on Shinano's flight deck

The sound of the forward turrets go off the aircraft fly off.

The first wave of Shells hit destroying one of the battlecarriers' main gun. Then come the aircraft with their torpedoes and bombs

The super ship begin to aim their turret's towards the allied super ship. Zipang fires first, and then Mikasa

Dainippon and Tsenanta fire in unison, and the Orochi charged its Railgun and more mass-produced ships come as support

???: "My turret is damaged"

???: "Get it repaired if you can." A rain of salvos hit the ship, putting some of the turrets out of action and causing some fire, and his ship begins to list

The Railgun of the Orochi tears through some ship, sinking them

Timeskip by some-off screening

The allied 6 back, and retreat with the Axis fleet returning back to home land and now discussing the next phase of the operation

In the tea garden of the imperial palace, the amount of chatter is rising.

Zipang: "Our next phase is to seize the Americans island and take Australia, and then we take the Pacific US states,"

Yamato: “That sounds like a good idea”

Dainippon: “But we need research new technology”

Big timeskip

Sakura Empire has developed new ships and weapons to prepare for the war on the US mainland

Author: "I will let you choose what happens next" (This is the story is up to you) (By making your own version)

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