The new beginning ✨

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New year, new beginning but lee yechan will remain same.

Monday Morning, 7:30am

Yechan was sleeping in his bed when he received message notification from his friends group, he peeked when laying down and just turn his head to the other side to avoid.
'These must be useless' he whispered in sleep tone then his phone rang, he lazily picked up after few seconds.

Yechan pov ~

Ahh why's this idiot calling me?
I answered it ,
"What do you want?"I said

"Bitch where are you, so you want to get late on the first day of semester?"
It's my best friend park seeun wishing me a sweet good morning.
"Who cares" I replied.

"I'm sure you are still in your bed, lee yechan leave your bed rn and come to school it already 7:30"

"What? Really "I looked at the time but doesn't care that much."

Bitch come to your senses"

"Ok, I'm coming, don't scream"

Yechan was not annoyed at that bcoz it's a daily thing for them.

At school ~

Yechan was already late but he is not in hurry as he always make sure to look good.
He entered the school, passing by the garden the first thing he noticed was a board saying
"Do not pluck the flowers".
Oh really.....
He said while plucking a flower, smells it with a big smile saying
"Smells good but not more than me" and then threw it back. While walking through the
corridor, he just casually picked a chalk from the chalkbox placed on a table intentionally making the chalkbox fall down. Walking very cool he breaks the chalk from the point and starts eating it like a candy when a hand came out of nowhere and grabs the chalk out of his hands
"it's not eatable, dumbo"
Sumin said while threwing it away.
Yechan gave him an side eye then put his hand on sumin's shoulder

"Oh my friend,I haven't seen you for years, I missed you sumin-ahh"

"Stop your melodrama, we are already late" We should better run, I don't wanna get late on the first day"

"Now you are getting dramatic " yechan said rolling his eyes but as he can say another word sumin hold his hand and started running to the classroom.

"Thank God,we reached at time, teacher hasn't come yet You should thank me dumbo"
"This is no fun but whatever"
"Where is seeun?" Sumin asked.
"Omg I haven't imagined you guys to come this fast" Seeun said who is standing behind them. Sumin and yechan both turned at him.


Keep your dramatic ass aside"

"Look who is saying this"
seeun said giving a side eye to sumin with a teasing face referring to yechan.
Yechan take a little jump to grab seeun's neck by his arm, "you come here bitch."

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