Chapter 4

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Democracy for Wonen

"You may plead your case, Donna." Judge Damien stated, sitting back in his chair. The courtroom was full, Newcastle watching as the Donna vs Quinn trial had begun... "Thank you, your honor. To kick us off, what has Quinn done as a leader that could be seen as actual 'progress'?" Donna asked the courtroom. "Objection! The crime rate has gone down by 31%" Quinn protested but was met with a sigh. "For now," Donna replied, "Something significant that affected Newcastle and its people. Because I can't, And let's not forget, Adam was murdered in cold blood by Quinn's friends, which they will be judged for." She glared at Quinn before going to sit back down. Judge Damien nodded before turning to Quinn, "You may speak now Quinn" She stood up. "What Donna is saying is just false. Also, with Adam gone his corruption is over so we have been able to rebuild all that he destroyed. In addition, what would make Donna a better leader than me?" She side-eyed her

"ILL HAVE YOU KNO-" Her face was getting redder and it looked like she was going to unleash something... She noticed her form and consoled herself, sitting back in the chair. She is related to Adam after all... Judge Damien turned a blind eye to Donna's struggle. "So, Donna. Quinn can't necessarily be taken out of her leadership role due to... Legistics and stuff. What is your plan of action?" Donna nodded at Damien. "A vote" She insisted. Quinn turned her head, a vote would mean her faith in the people. But do the people have enough faith in her for her to win?

There was lots of talking in the courtroom. "I dunno... I mean, Donna looks to be good." "What!? Quinn's better." "I just won't vo-" The gavel could be heard over all "Silence!" He shouted super quickly. "I've heard enough, a vote will be held in a few days (Ch. 9) but until then there should be no more fuss over this. Case dismissed." Everyone stood, Donna smirked and glared at Quinn as she walked past her. "See you there, Aaron." Chuckling she left the courtroom as everyone else started leaving... As everyone was leaving, someone started coming in. Craig pushed past the crowds just to find Quinn. "Quinn! Fuck what happened?" Craig asked her. "There's gonna be some vote" Quinn let him know as they started walking out. "Will it give you any trouble?" He looked at her, waiting for an answer. "Nah, I'd win."


They got out of the courthouse, stretching. "So... What now?" Craig asked as he looked over at Quinn. "Uhm... Oh god yeah, the main plots are over so we need a B plot..." She talked to herself, "Eh?" Craig looked confused at the fourth wall break. "Nothin... Uhh, I guess we can looksmax for 90 minutes?" Quinn offered. The two went off into the sunset to looksmax... Well, they went back to HQ but just imagine


"TODAY IN AMONG US, WERE MEW-" The Bowmens went off before Shay stopped them. "Please... For the last time, jails frustrating but it's more frustrating when you two won't shut up!" Shay yelled. "But we are goofy goobers!" They protested before just getting flat-out scolded by Kevin Leonardo.

"W-Were in Byker, right?" Charlie came from the shadows to reveal himself in the opposite cell of Shay, asking the question of the day. "Yeah of course we are. Stupid." Shay responded, clearly agitated about something. "Jeez, sorry. What's got you all cranky?" Charlie asked, laughing a bit as his hairline went further back. "I ran out of art supplies today, how am I meant to draw Spiderman!?" He shouted outraged. "You think that's bad!?" A voice emerged from a cell down, "Sophies have been texting me all fucking day!" Callum shouted, crossing his arms as Lewis Michelle Farrenheight rolled his eyes at him.

"Would you guys please just stop bitching..." A kid's voice called out, this eleven-year-old leaned against the bars, living in the cell next to Charlie. "I've been here for weeks and all I've heard is you guys bitching!" The kid got the attention of everyone, even the Gooners young squire. "And who do you think you're talking to??" Shay responded as he put up his fists at the eleven-year-old. "Wait... WHY IS AN ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD IN A DUNGEON???" Charlie said in disbelief. "You really wanna know why?" He asked them to which they nodded. The kid sighed...


"So my father, Roy, leaves the housing unit powered by thermal energy with his poetic maden with my babysitter. It's then when she took me away" Archibold explained to the other kids as they all sat. "Wooaaah..." The other children said in unison, asking questions. "How did she get you?" "Was your dad's beard nice?" "How poetic was his maden?" "I got a question!" One kid stands up. "When the hell are we getting out of this dump?" The kids all look at him in confusion. "What..?" A man with a gun walks up to the kid. "You better sit your ass back down and get back to being a dumb kid!" A guard warned him, the kid looked down and saw a nametag and saw 'Bradley'. He sat down and sighed. He looked left and saw his kidnapper talking with a very villainous individual. He got up and snook to the walls he climbed through a vent and heard the alarms going off. Speaking through, he heard a voice. "Chiiiiilddddd... You can't escape me." She cooed as he got through more. Eventually, he heard the sounds of a boogie bomb, he saw a face of demons approaching him and he reached the end, jumping out and slamming the vent behind him. He kept running into the forest and eventually fell over. A gun was put to his head and he looked up and saw Mihn, wielding the gun. "Don't... move..."

"Aaaaaaand now I'm here with you shitfucks!" He crossed his arms, they called him the kid who got away. "You guys better shut up." An orange-haired individual walked down the pathway, menacingly, taking one look at every individual in there and eventually sealing the door shut...

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