Chapter 5

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Coming to Terms

Looksmaxing accomplished, Quinn and Craig returned to HQ. Quinn sighed as Craig went to go stand all zesty-like and call people a Bowmen. She put the court documents on the table and held her head in her hands. Getting up from leaning, she looked out of the window, Newcastle beneath her. She knew she was gonna have to get the votes of all the 'blokes' and 'lasses' of the people. She knew Donna was gonna be a formidable opponent, but one she was ready to face.

"Need to forget about this" She concluded, leaving her office behind. She went to find something to take her mind off things and went outside for a walk. She walked around the perimeter of Women's HQ. It was surrounded by gardens and bushes that were very green and well tended to. She kept walking and reached the graveyard. Looking into the graveyard, she saw Rocko, still clung to that scarf, with flowers in his hands as he just stared at a grave. She passed many graves with big names on them:

'Lacie C' Died from too much skincare

'Andrea Mcauley' Died from old age

'Samantha Usher' Died from an inability to multitask

'Karen Mcmahon' Died from the 2027 Spanish revolt

'Shauna Rodger' Died from a table

And the most recent from a month ago 'Darin Lamb' Died from a civil war in his attic

Quinn tapped Rocko on his shoulder and got him out of his trance "Yo, you alright? What are you doing here?" She asked him as he shook his head. "Oh, just paying respects." He motioned his head to the tombstone that read 'Adam Wood' died from his power' which confused Quinn. "Uhh... Adam? Why are you respecting him?" Looking puzzled as she stared at the... oddly well-maintained grave. She knew that the groundskeepers skipped this grave due to the memories it brought them. "I mean..." He placed the flowers down next to the grave, "He was my dad." Quinn's eyes widened as she took a step back. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry." She felt awful as Rocko shrugged. "Eh, don't be. He was alright but not hall of fame worthy." He shook his head. "The only reason why I'm here is because Donna makes me on his birthday." "Oh... Well..." She just kinda... didn't know what to say really

"Hold on, wait a minute, Donnas your mam then?" She asked, wondering what side he was on. "Yeah, I haven't spoken to her for a long time though. It is kinda weird, but I don't care." He said, turning to Quinn. "What's weird?" She asked. "All... this yknow? My name change and tail, your sex change and long hair..." He said as Quinn breathed a hard breath. It was then that the world shut down... Quinn was in a different world, the sky was purple with no clouds and there was a void around him. "Rahhhh..." She heard a voice making a roaring sound behind her. She turned to see... Her... Well. It was her but... before. Aaron was surrounded by a purple flame aura, his eyes blacked out. "You seriously think you can run away from who you are? Your past? Your position?" Aaron asked Quinn as she stuttered, not knowing what to say...


Rocko, in the same world but nowhere near Aaron, searched around. He turned around to see him... Well, him before all the change. "Furry dick, you think you're better than everyone because you're smart?" Daniel asked, surrounded by the same purple flame aura and the blacked-out eyes that Aaron had. "I know what I am, who I am, and what I can do," Rocko stated, sounding like he was used to this experience. "Oh yeah? Then what are you." Daniel inquired as he stared at him harshly. "What you fucking wish you were." Rocko teased as Daniels face hardened. He backed away as he was tackled down by something as the graveyard returned.


Quinn felt a rage inside her at Aaron. She started running towards him and lunged, as she grabbed him, the world returned to normal. She was gonna punch him in the face when "Quinn, fucking chill!" She looked down and saw Rocko under her, guarding his face. She got up from him and shouted "What the fuck was that!?" She shouted at him as he coughed. "Calm down... It happens sometimes, when you hang around dead people you see dead parts of yourself. It happens" Rocko got up and dusted himself off. Quinn shook her head and stormed off, not looking back. She got back inside and crashed into her office, locking the door...


A few hours later. She heard some knocking on the door. Sighing, she opened the door as Kian, Alfie, Sara, and Mr Boucher crashed into the room.




"Im... helping" Sara stood in the corner.

"Fuckin... right okay. Let's sort all these problems out..." She stood up. "Well let's be honest right, their probably in Byker. That's where most problems come from." She thought, walking out of the office with them. Let's go find our friends then...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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