2. Wake up Part 2

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'Look out look inside of you'


Julie, Olivia, Ray and Carlos all set the table before sitting down. Leaving an empty chair for Julie's mom still.

"Lt's do this" Rays says holding his hands out for Julie and Olivia to hold, Olivia doing the same for Carlos to hold her hand letting the sibling hold theirs for their mom. "Your turn Carlos"

"Thank you for out leftovers and the power of the mighty microwave. Amen" Carlos says

"Amen" Julie repeats as they all let go of their hands and start to eat.

"So... Carlos tells me he found you in the studio." Ray starts a conversation

"She was out there talking to herself and Liv too" Carlos replies

"We were rehearsing for a play" Julie lies before they hear a small 'Hello, Hello' behind the door. They realise who it is rushing to hide the plate set for Julie's mom but not without Carlos commenting a 'Oh Busted. Olivia chucks the fork and knife behind her in a panic, Julie grabs the plate and hides it on her lap and Carlos grabs the cloth and hides it on his lap.

"Yeah we're in here" Ray calls out. As they all go back to eating like nothing happened.

"Hi! Spaghetti again" Aunt Victoria hums and places down her own cooked food on the side.

"Yeah" Ray Chuckles back.

"That's to bad. I bought you my pasteles and arroz con pollo" Aunt Victoria says back picking it up and carrying it to the fridge

"Mh yum" Ray says

"Thank, tia. It smells great." Julie replies looking back to her.

"You can have it tomorrow. I can't let you have leftovers every night" She places the food in the fridge and closes the door again. "My sister would kill me, may she rest in peace" She walks over to the table as they all continue eating "Oh... I see things here are going better?"

"Actually, Julie has been cleaning out mom's studio along with Olivia's help. Hopefully, we can get the house on the market and some offers soon." Ray tells Victoria. This makes Olivia frown as she remembers Julie is going to move.

"Ah. Hi Olivia. Well, I like the sound of that. Moving from here is only gonna help you move on" Victoria replies back holding onto Julie's chair. What the two girls don't notice is the three ghost boys walk through the door. "You've got to rip that Band-Aid off and get the pain over with" Just as she finished saying this Julie turns and sees the ghost boys this makes her scream startling everyone in the room. Olivia turns to where she saw Julie looking and sees the three boys making her go wide eyed. Also noticing them stop in alarm from Julie's small outburst.

"That's me. ripping the band-aid off" Julie chuckles awkwardly making everyone laugh and Olivia and Julie share a look.

"There's my brave girl" Victoria grabs Julie's chin making her face her. However, when she lets go Julie turns the opposite way face-to-face with Luke.

"Hey, Julie, I really like what you guys did with the place" He tells her

"You shouldn't be here." Julie whisper shouts back but is heard by everyone, making Olivia cringe and Victoria gasp.

"Oh, I'm just here to help, mija" She says to Julie as Julie turns to look at her alarmed.

"Uh... I think that's our cue to leave" Alex whispers to the boys they nod and back away.

"She means, you should be at Pilates" Olivia explains for Julie with wide eyes.

"Thank you for bringing us food" Julie adds and hugs her turning sending a stern look towards to boys

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