14. Edge of Great Part 2

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"Running from the past tripping on the now what is lost can be found its obvious"

Olivia is taking Flynn's advice and is gonna try her best to ignore Luke. Which will be hard, he's all she can think about since dance, she's even started writing the song, and maybe another one about him.

Olivia looks peaks out of the garage door seeing all the people watching, honestly she's having doubts about listening to Flynn but she's scared to like Luke, Olivia couldn't think of anything else to do about it.

She's wearing a white cropped tank top, over that is a butterfly shirt, she also had flared jeans on with some blue trainers, she has a white zip up jacket with a butterfly in the middle, the jacket is unzipped. Her hair is bubble pig tails with bows tied at the bubbles.

She watches Julie's dad set up a camera and wait for Flynn's introduction.

Olivia's thoughts were cut off by Flynn. "What's up, everybody. Time to put your hands up, do a little dance, yup. Here's the new anthem from OJ and the Phantoms."

The garage doors are opened, Olivia and Julie are standing holding hands as the crowd cheers and claps. Julie walks up to the piano and sits on the stool with her mic already there, Olivia is holding her mic and sits on top of the piano.

"Thanks for coming, everyone" Olivia thanks.

Julie starts playing the piano, just her singing Olivia watching her with a smile. "Running from the past Tripping on the now, What is lost can be found its obvious" Julie stops singing but continues playing Olivia taking the next part.

"And like a rubber ball, we come bouncing back, we all got a second act inside of us" The projector is turned on so the boys can poof in, they poof in just in time for the chorus. Julie stands up off the piano and walks to the middle, Olivia jumping off of the piano standing next to her, both singing the chorus.

"I believe, I believe that we're just one dream, away from who we're meant to be, that we're standing on the edge of" Julie and Olivia dance together the audience dancing along as well "Something big, something crazy, our best is yet un known that this moment is ours to own, cause we're standing on the edge of great" Olivia dances with Reggie, then Alex. Luke waits expecting her to turn to him but she just faces forward again. Luke frowns.

The boys all sing together "On the edge of great" Olivia and Julie repeat "Great"

"On the edge of great" Luke looks at Olivia confused

"Great" Julie and Olivia smile together, Olivia glances at Luke before looking away

"On the edge of great" Luke looks back at Alex seeing if he saw what happened

"Cause we're standing on the edge of great" Julie and Olivia sing together before Luke sings his solo, the girls dance together before going to dance with Alex and Reggie.

"We all make mistake" Some girls cheer when Luke starts signing "But they're just stepping stones to take us where we wanna go it's never straight no" Luke looks over at Olivia, she looks back, Luke nods his head a little trying to get her to come over to him, Olivia looks away before singing with him.

"Sometimes we gotta lean, lean on someone else, to get a little help until we fine our way" Olivia and Julie dance together, Luke still confused as to why Olivia is ignoring him.

Julie joins in with the chorus "I believe, I believe that we're just one dream, away from who we're meant to be" Reggie walks over to Luke he, Reggie looks amused between Olivia and Luke. Julie and Olivia walk around the piano, before Olivia sits on top of it. "That we're standing on the edge of"

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