Mournful Rage

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Taking Mirko on multiple dates both helps you mentally and emotionally. It's nice having someone to rely on, however today would be extremely difficult. You're currently on patrol flying past buildings until you take a break on a building. "Alright, gotta relax a minute here."

Then all of a sudden you see something fly past the clouds. "Or not." Taking off back into the sky you squint your eyes at an object approaching, "What the hell is..?" Ducking under it you turn back to see a villain with angelic wings.

"Are you a pro?" The man had long silver hair and black pants. Not wearing anything else as you nod, "I am, do you need help man?" Asking he nods, "I need to kill you." Hearing that you tilt your head, "What was that?" All of a sudden he punches your chest hard sending you higher in the sky. When you get your bearings he kicks your back making you get shot down.

As he approaches you to hit again you counter with a spinning kick. "Think I'll call you Angel if that's not alright with you." You comment as you levitate in place, "How are you alive. The doctors said my strength is unparalleled." The younger looking man says, ignoring his comment you think. 'Doctors? Doesn't matter, need to take him down fast.' Then you speak, "Hey bud, can we just talk this out?"

Angel shakes his head and pops his knuckles while curling his fingers into fists. "You don't understand what you're in for pro." Assuming your own stance you correct him, "It's Excelsior!"

Angel fans his wings at you as intense winds begin to twirl you around. In response you spin around to create a small tornado, when the air dissipates you're punched in the face.

Falling down in the air you shake your head and skyrocket back up to uppercut Angel.  Sending him higher in the air you chase after him to grab his ankle and twirl him around. Mid spin however you're kicked off him as he puts you in a head lock.

"Your attempt was honorable Excel. You'll be one of the many that I'll remember when this world burns." Angel says as he presses his arms harder. "Let me go." You warn as he monologs, "You've failed to realize your role in the world. Thats fine. I'll correct that." Having enough you snap.

"I said. Let. Me. Go!" You press out in a giant repulse making Angel let go. His eyes go wide as he's about to swing at you, however you begin to fry his wings with your vision. Then he looks down, "How..?" Angel questions as he begins to fall very slowly.

Your anger takes hold as you fly by him to grab his ankle. Coming down to the ground like a comet, you twirl around and throw Angel into a forest. His body charred up and bruised just from the shear descent. Taking out your phone you relay his location. "Don't think he'll move any time soon." You say and return to the sky.

From the air you do see the police moving out towards the crash site. Satisfied you begin to continue your patrol in the sky. When you return to duty you receive a call, hovering in the air again you answer. "Hello?" Then you hear Endeavor speak, "Y/N. Are you currently busy?"

Your mind travels, 'That's number one. He saved me the other day.' Then you answer, "Uh no Endeavor sir, I'm available if you need me." Saying that he reply's, "Good. Meet me at the address I'm sending." Hanging up you read the address. "Wait isn't this his agency?"

Taking off to his building you begin to think, 'Wonder what it's about. That Nomu I held off? Does he want me as a sidekick?' While thinking you see a shadow cover you while flying. Suddenly a feather passes your eyes, "Oh no."

Tackled from above you squirm and push out of Angels grasp. Looking at him you become confused. This Angels wings are black. Pointing at you he speaks, "You got my brother in trouble, now you will die." Rushing at you, you turn to fly away, "First of all your brother attacked me!" Trying to explain yourself doesn't matter.

//I'm Not Powerless\\ (Male Reader x MHA) 18+Where stories live. Discover now