Shake The World

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Days pass after the events of what happened to your mother and father. Police protection is provided, the agency also managed to refit you back to your hero work. Now you're back at home talking to Emma who recently turned out to be a talking dog.

"Pet me." Emma says wagging her tail, "Nope. Good dogs get scratches, bad dogs who get into the garbage don't get any." Warning her she huffs away mumbling, "Don't throw out food then..."

Another package arrives at your door, as per your request it's new goggles. Opening up the dark box you see another note, 'If these break don't expect more. -C' Chuckling at the print you head into the bedroom.

Looking at your other outfit you sigh, "Been awhile since I wore that, but the other ones keep getting torn up." Emma ponders over and asks, "What're you doing?"

"Suit designs of course." Answering her she hops on the bed to lay down, "Why're you going through these two?" "Well one is older when I first became a pro, the other one is more modern. So it's tough to choose." You say as you then sketch on a notepad.

Emma then looks at the clock on the nightstand, "Where Rumi?" "Work, she had to leave earlier than usual today." Speaking while sketching out the base Emma tilts her head, "Isn't that big raid on that Liberation army happening?"

"Raid? What raid?" Turning to her you then rush to the tv flicking it on. The situation is about halfway through its course as you frown, "Damnit, why didn't she tell me?!" Rushing to get ready you dawn the older outfit with a hoodie.

Placing the goggles on your head you turn to leave before realizing, "Jeeki will be busy as well, mom and dad can't come over either." However another surprise is revealed as Emma floats off the ground.

"Wha- You're... WHAT!?" Yelling out loud Emma glides easily through the air. "What? Haven't noticed?" Shaking your head violently Emma barks happily. "Guess a hero needs some sort of 'wonder pet' or whatever."

Emma bolts to a costume fitted for her along with a cape. "So...your uh... name and where did you get the costume?" "Well, Jeeki kind of already knew." She says sitting down then tells you her hero name, "Swish." Then you facepalm, "Why did Jeeki know about her powers rather than talking..? And Swish?"

"Well it's based on my powers. Turns out I'm quite fast on the ground, everyone around hears a swish sound when I zoom past them. Oh and my flight is very minimal and limited." Rubbing your face hearing Emma talk you sigh, "Can't believe I'm taking my dog with me."

"Well can't leave little ol me behind!" Emma pouts as you rub her ears. "Just promise me when I tell you to escape. You escape. No questions at all." Emma nods as you put your goggles and hood on. "Ready... Swish?" "Of course Excelsior."

You fly above the street as Swish runs closely under you. Her outfit being blue with a red S across the chest and a black cape. Looking down at her you give a thumbs up, "Fast. Good!" Then approaching the hospital where Mirko, Endeavor and a few more noticeable pros are at.

However you slide on the street making black marks, "Swish. To me!" Swish whirls around you and sits, "Do you hear that?" Perking both your ears up and catch the sounds of the Earths crust breaking.

"You head West I'll head East. The grounds disintegrating grab people and get them safe!" You order then race in opposite directions to grab anyone needed rescuing. One last ditch effort you smash through a house.

Your hearing kicks in as you grab a mom and their child. "T-thank you!" The ground beneath you shatters into tiny pieces. Nearby buildings crumble as a heavy amount of dust kicks up. you raise yourself up above. Lifting up above the cloud you land outside the radius panting.

//I'm Not Powerless\\ (Male Reader x MHA) 18+Where stories live. Discover now