Chapter 6

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Were currently on the road back home, and all the drama that happened today was very tiring making me sleepy, but I can't seem to stop thinking about what happened. One the explosions, it felt like as if someone was waiting for us or watching our every move, just to ruin the mission and that made me feel uneasy, two the way chandler held my hand, I know I know am not thinking too much but at least I know or I think if I was in trouble he might help, but that doesn't mean I will.

As I think of the whole event that took place, I eventually fall I sleep,thinking.

I feel my self getting lifted I want to open my eyes but am so tired and I let the person carry me, I inhale the person's cologne, it's very calming and it smells nice like cinnamon and roses,it smells like...chandler...omg it smells like CHANDLER!, his carrying me the one carrying me, immediately my eye shot open and I look up to confirm and it is him.

"Finally your awake" he says in a bored tone, immediately dropping me, not in a nice way, he literally let me fall to the floor and men I tell you that was painful did I ever mention that he was tall, if I didn't I did now, wincing I look and glare at him.

"If you know your gonna drop me like that then don't carry me"

"I didn't want too,the others wanted me too" he said walking past me, ugh this bitch, I speed walk past him blocking him.

"Then you should refuse, why would you agree" I ask him looking for an answer.

He just stares at me for a while with mixed emotions that I don't even know. He inhales sharply before replying.

"Like I said they told me too, that's it, now stop talking too me your annoying" he tells me leaving me looking like an idiot, while I'm still taking care of my ass that still hurts.

"Morgiee come on, were having a meeting" Millie tells me and is still calling me that stupid nickname.

I follow her to my room since it's my house there having the meeting, I enter and the boys are already making a mess, great. As I make myself comfortable on my bed I look at them and give an eye roll to chandler still pissed I'm gonna get him one way or the other.

"Ok, obviously we're all here for one reason unless we will be sleeping by now" Logan said

"Or taking a freaking shower" Felix said making all of us look at him, he wasn't even on field.


"Anyways, the explosions it felt like someone was waiting for us and Felix said he couldn't see anything or where the whole explosions and guards cane from" Alex mentioned.

"And am sure I took out all the guards" Millie added still sure she did and I trust her because one thing I know is that Millie is really skilled she never leaves anything.

"So you took out the guards and you couldn't see how they came in or where the explosions came from" Madeline said trying to reason the whole thing.

"That means someone knew and tried to mess us up" I added still remembering the whole thing all for some jewel?, Wait the jewel.

"Where the jewel that reminds me" I asked and Logan pulls out a box opening it only for us to see a small looking necklace with the jewel in the middle.

"Wait a minute, so I almost died for that small thing" Megan said still trying to understand.

"This jewel better be a birthday present for one of us or else" Madeline says giving up.

"Birthdays that we almost didn't see" chandler commented and for once I do agree with him like are they gonna put the necklace in the casket.

I take the jewel, looking at the little think that almost killed us, I mean it is beautiful and am sure has a lot of worth but my life, nah it's no match.

I hear a knock putting the jewel back in the box and telling the person too come in, I look too see who it is and it's my father's right hand man probably here for the jewel, he walks in with a proud smile as he sees the box in my hand.

"I knew you guys could do it" he said taking the box were the jewel is.

"Your parents we be so proud to hear this and also happy that your all still alive" he tells us and we all stare at him probably still thinking how that thing almost killed us. I think he noticed it and hits his hand on his chest lightly-its a Moriarty greeting for those above you-and then takes his leave closing the door on the way.

"So...sleep over" Megan says breaking the silence and everyone just agrees and after taking our baths we all ended up watching movies making fun of each other, gossiping-yes including the boys too- eating and then sleeping.

Hours Later

I wake up checking the time it's three in the morning and I am so thirsty, I get up accidently stepping on Felix and whispering a little sorry to him.

I decided to take the elevator downstair because no way am I taking the stairs in the dark, as I get there I immediately grab a bottle of water and start chugging the water down.

I feel someone staring at me and I tense up becoming conscious, I put the bottle down and remain quiet, trying to listen, I don't have a gun, but I do have a knife, another rule never leave without having a weapon on you.

I feel the person coming closer, immediately I pull the knife from underneath my night gown and try to stab the person but I only make a light cut on the person's arm, the person winces in pain. I turn on the light to see it's chandler and am low-key happy with what I did as I remember what he did to me earlier but sorry at the same time.

"Fuck Morgan what the hell" he yells at me getting the first aid kit from the drawers.

"Sorry I didn't know it was you, take it as self defence" I tell him earning a glare.

"What are you doing down here" I ask him watching as his trying to apply the treatment and boy can I tell you he is doing a bad job, his not wearing a shirt and only on sweats which I think are Logan and his body is well...good I guess. He goes ahead wincing again-okay this boy does not know what his doing- I walk over to him taking the stick from him.

It's quiet now and his looking at me, ok Morgan try to make a topic.

"Why were you in the kitchen" I asked him, nice one.

"To get wat- ouch!" He winces making me roll my eyes.

"Oh please you literally have taking a bullet before" still treating his wounds.

"And I wonder who it was for" he says staring at me, I glance at him briefly, not going on with the conversation, I blow on the wound covering it up.

"Done" he looks at it and get up going to the fridge to get water, alright this is awkward am going upstairs.

"Thanks" he tells me as am about to go and I just nod leaving. Well that wasn't awkward at all.

I'm currently in bed, can't sleep-great- he walks in and I close my eyes as I pretend to be sleeping, I hear some little noise, think his laying down, well obviously.

"Good night" he tells me I don't reply and just fall asleep after a few minutes.

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