Chapter 7: Soccer Tryouts

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POV: Amara

It was the next day and I'm so excited. Today is soccer tryouts and I think I'm ready. Yesterday, I snuck out of the house to practice for an hour just to make sure I wasn't too rusty. I don't even think anyone noticed so I'm good. This morning, I woke up extra early, not actually too early maybe 30 minutes earlier but hey it still counts. I was extremely chirpy or excited in other words I mean, I'm not the chirpiest person in the morning but today is different. I mean there are other reasons why I'm excited but I'm not telling. Anyways, I'm going to wake Aph up because number one it's almost time to get up anyways and number two, I feel like annoying her today. I go to her room and knock on her door since she closes it at night.

"Hey Aph." I said knocking on the door. All I heard was a groan through the door meaning Aph was awake. I decided to go inside so I flung the door open and said cheerfully; "Morning Aph."

"Go away" I heard her say through her pillow.

"Ahh, no. Come on Aph, its school." I said, trying to persuade her to get out of bed.

"Why are you so excited for school?" she asked, looking at me.

"Because its tryouts and I don't want to be late." I told her.

"Uh huh or maybe it's because you want to see Laurence~" she said getting out of bed with a smirk on her face. I blushed. I think she could see I was blushing because she chuckled.

"Ok maybe but I also always wanted to join a soccer team. You know this Aph." I spoke. She gave me a 'Really' look but walked away to her closet.

"Ok, sure Mara. Now go away. I needed to get dressed." Aph said, looking in her closet for something.

"You know we're sisters, right?" I stated.

"I know but still get out." She said, still looking in her closet for something.

"Ok, fine. I'll leave." I said leaving her.

"Close the door!" I heard Aph say. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

{Time skip brought to you by laziness}

When me and Aph reached school, we headed inside. Once we made it to the homeroom, we saw Travis already there.

"Travis?" I said sounding surprised as me and Aph sat down.

"Hey not alone buddies. Good to see. Amara are you ok? I heard what happened." He spoke.

"I'm fine but what happened to you?!" I asked him.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked me puzzled.

"Why are you so early? You usually show up like a few minutes before the bell rings" I explained.

"Oh, well, this morning I woke up earlier than I normally do so I decided to show up earlier." He spoke.

"Uh huh." I said suspiciously.

"What it's the truth." He told me. I kind of don't believe him but I'll let it go.

"Okay Travis, if you say so." I told him, patting him on the shoulder. He sighed in defeat and then spoke; "S-so, anything interesting happening today?" He asked us. A smile immediately came on my face.

"Yes actually. Today is soccer tryouts and I'm super excited!" I exclaimed causing the boy next to me to look at me. I think his name is Zane, but I don't care.

"Wow really, I'm so happy for you." Travis told me.

"Thanks Travis, it's always been my dream of mine to play soccer for my school." I said cheerfully.

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