Chapter 8: Soccer Results

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Pov: Aphmau

Me, Mara, and Travis were in the gymnasium waiting for the principal to arrive for assembly.

"Why are we waiting here so long for the principal?" Mara stated.

"I don't know why. And why do we have to have an assembly on a Friday afternoon?" I stated.

"The teachers said the principal has some words to say and wants to congratulate us on a successful first week." Travis said.

"Then he could've sent us home earlier." Amara said sounding irritated.

"I know right." I agreed.

"That would probably be too easy obviously." Travis said. Me and Mara both laughed.

"So Aph, you never told me why you were never in PE class." Travis continued. Oh no, I forgot about that.

"Uh I uh got really sick all of a sudden." I said making up an excuse.

"You're not lying, are you?" Travis said sounding suspicious about my answer. He doesn't need to know I was in detention, right?

"N-no why would I-I lie about that." I said getting a bit angry.

"You don't have to get angry- Oh my Irene I'm s-so s-sorry I didn't know-" He started, and I interrupted; "W-what no. It's not.... You know just forget it" I said.

"Anyways I-I wanted t-to ask for y-your number?" Travis said.

"W-what?!" I questioned confused.

"N-no like that. I just want someone to talk to on weekends. Plus, I already have Mara's number." He spoke. I looked at Mara then back at Travis.

"Yeah sure." I told him. "I'll give it once I get a pen and paper." I told him with him nodding in agreement. Then a teacher came on stage. "Testing one two one two" he said then the principal ran on the stage punching the teacher off the stage. The principal began to speak, and he gave an...... interesting speech. To sum it up, he congratulated us on completing the first week and we should not take potions out of alchemy class.

{Time skip because I can}

Me and Travis were in front of waiting for our parents. Then Travis spoke; "Well, that speech was.... Something." He stated. I couldn't agree with more.

"I know right." I said.

"You guys walk right? My dad's picking me up. Maybe he could give you a ride." Travis suggested.

"It's ok, my mom's picking us up today." I said. Suddenly there was honking, and we turned to see where it was coming from. Unfortunately for me, it was my mother.

"Vamos, let's go- Wait, is that a boy!?" My mom yelled out her car window. Oh no, why mom. Why!? "Hey! The white-haired boy don't get any ideas with my daughter, wait where' Mara?" my mom asked. "She went to soccer practice." I yelled back. "Ok. White haired boy like remember you marry into this family; you deal with me." She yelled again. Can she be more embarrassing. "Your mom is so embarrassing." Travis whispered to me. "I know." I said.

"Uh... ma'am I'm just her not alone buddy. I could not think of anything like that." Travis said.

"Oh, why didn't you say so sooner. Come on mija. It was nice to meet you-" My mom said hinting for him to say his name.

"Travis. M-my name is Travis." Travis said.

"Its nice to meet you, Travis." She said with a smile. Travis smiled back.

"Now let's go Aphmau." My mom said. I got in the car with me getting to sit in the front. I'm so lucky Amara is not here otherwise she would get to it her first because she's faster. I said bye to Travis and we drove off. This was I guess successful, I got one of my friends' numbers so that's cool. Let's see what happens the rest of the day.

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