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 He was dragged along with all the rest, by all the rest, with hell pointed at his doorstep.

I as well, but the difference between him and I was that mine came of free will.

And how stupid of me to jump at the chance.

                                                                                         . . .

I was absolutely seething. How dare those of another kingdom show up unannounced, demanding information about my father preferably, and once not given the reaction they wanted, putting my brother in the way of danger to break the ruse? Barbaric, utterly barbaric.

On top of that, I was trapped between some sort of lie and excuse that could cause my world to crumble in a matter of moments.

What was going on?

"War," Agamemnon stated simply.

For a woman.

There was nothing left to hide, my father's efforts were in vain. We had relented, allowing the two Mycenaens into a room inside the palace to hear them out. It felt as if we were in the open still, nothing closing us in. However, the tension in the room could create its own walls. Again, the King of Mycenae did all of the talking, Palamedes in silent agreement. It took all I had not to reach over and strangle the two men, their stance as if what they were doing was acceptable. As if my thoughts had reached them, I kept being glanced at in distaste, but then again, my being there helped a portion of their argument. I supposed it was working, too, my parents kept glancing at each other.

"Helen was swept to Troy by one of its princes, thus, we are going to war, every man you convinced to bound himself to her fate is now obligated to go, including yourself." Agamemnon's context brought some dread to intertwine with the already stiff tension. "Hilarious how that scenario was the exact condition your oath held, is it not, King of Ithaca?"

I was still confused about how the oath came to be, but to myself, it would be self-explanatory.

That isn't fair. My father was bound to another's wife, now having a significant amount to lose. I looked over at him, but was not met with a mutual glance. 

"None of us could have predicted her taking, it's not my fault Menelaus cannot handle his wife's whereabouts." My father finally spoke up for the first formal time they had arrived, and it was not a pleasant first address.

"Odysseus-"  My mother cut in, trying to make him soften his choice of words.

"I will not have him dangle the oath in front of my family, Penelope," He retorted, motioning to me to prove his point. He turned back to the King of Mycenae.

"I have children now, Agamemnon, as you do. You understand that I am unable to leave them without a father so easily."

 Agamemnon scoffed, dropping all the pleasantries he had been using.

"So typical of you, your sudden abandonment of commitment will be your downfall. I hope you know that hell is pointed at the doorsteps of all who are bound by the oath."

But both choices would leave us in danger.

"What is he gaining, by going with you?" I did not want my father gone, either. I tried to the best of my ability to validate his case.

"Excuse me?" Agamemnon's gaze met mine.

"I said, what is he gaining?" I repeated. "Fame will not cut it, I would like to know what outcomes this war could possibly bring for him."

The King of Mycenae cleared his throat as if about to speak, but then held back. "What interest is it of yours, you are not the one who is bound to go."

"What if I make it my obligation?"

My father shot me a look that he hoped would stop me further. We both knew I could not go. However, I was the least of their issues. I certainly did not want any dark path for my brother as he grew up because of a pointless war. I did feel like it was my duty, to be a protector. I was naive, but when need be, I did whatever I felt right.

And what I felt was that I had a chance, potential that had not been brought to light. 

A/N: Heyyyy, guess who's backkkkkkk? YOUR EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, THAT'S WHO!! I'm out of writer's block, yayyyyyy!!! This was a pretty short chapter, sorry- Anyway, shout out to my bestie Lina because SHE FOUND A FANCAST FOR MENE AND SHE'S SO PRETTY AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Her name is Isabelle Connolly, you CANNOT tell me she is NOT PERFECT

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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