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"you wanted to challenge me? what is this now.....the fifth now I'm pretty sure.*sigh* lets get this over with, I really do not have time for someone like you" 

Life, was a being created by god, who's very power and life force, sustains each and every creation of god's. In a way, you could say she is God's daughter, but she would rather tell you that her adoptive mother, death is her parental figure. Compared to her....eccentric mother, life is a lot more toned down and calm. Apathetic even.

Most of her time is spent tending to flowers reading, or enjoying simple fried food, preferably spicy. Compared to death, there is not much people that know of her, and even less who can hold a conversation with her. Few who have the chance to ask her about her hobbies, get strange answers, with neither in correlation with one another. But i suppose life itself was always strange.

personality: compared to her more kind and friendly pre existential self, Anastasia, Life is a anti social person, who generally would prefer to dive into work or books then to hang out with people. Compared to many of her human depictions, life really does not care much for god's creation, merely using her as a catalyst and conduit to sustain those who still live.

She does not care if your dead, dying or in pain, unless if saving you is beneficial, she is more or less likely to just look the other way and ignore you. When asked why, her reply was "simple, people die, why should I save one out of the trillions of people who leech of my power to die 100 years later pathetic and useless". 

She is quick to express her irritation, with words and facial expressions alike, with many of the other watchers referring to her as "gloomy" and "boring". Despite that, she doesn't mind intelligent conversations, and finds quite joy in intelligent debates.  She is incredibly blunt and straight to the point in most conversations and doesn't care for optimism or moral encouragement. 

appearance: life is one of the more human looking among her overwatch counterparts, sporting a simple black suit and green tie. She also wheres simple glasses, which hel when she needs to pretend that she is busy. Her eyes are dark yellow, and her hair is green with and occasional flower sprouting from it every now and then. 

magic type: life

magic effect: gives a hyper euphoric effect, and makes the target incredibly sensitive to most other stimuli, pain included

Overall skill level: despite not being the strongest or fastest, life is by far the smartest over watcher, and leads the overwatches, being their unanimous leader and represents what it means to be an overwatcher, to do ones job without care for what others think. Despite disliking many of of her overwatchers, she has yet to sever the life force that connects them to her. Life is by far the most strategic, even surpassing sam-37. Her raw intellect has allowed her to even come toe to toe with a pre existential entity, despite being below them in power. 

In terms of combat ability, her martial prowess is leagues above the other overwatchers, with several special hand to hand techniques she has created by herself. Her destructive power, while being quite low, is not what she specializes in. Her use of magic is also incredibly unorthodox, with her using several underhand strategies, capable of dominating even opponents higher than her. 

She was capable of beating destruction in several sparring matches while he was still alive without suffering much damage or injury and was capable of holding her own against 12 anomaly hunters, who were hunting death,  (technically she is an anomaly). 

incredible tactical intellect:

When faced against the 12 anomaly hunters, she could easily deduce their roles within the party, as well as how strong each and every one of them are. She was capable of overwhelming the black knight due to several quick plans and masterful executions of breaking the parties tempo. 

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